
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/103

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 24 f. 60r - 61v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the Right honorable mi very good L. the L. high Thresuror of England give these att the [cou] rt./
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] Master Herle to my L. thankes.
Letter Text:
[fol. 60r] The favor mi right honorable good L. that I Receved yesterday by your goodnes was suche, for the advancyng me mi justyce towards som end of mi long sute, as certaynly I am more bownd unto you than I can by ani speche expresse, or by ani duty deserve./ Butt to supplye this towards your good L. by those humble & thanckfull menes that I am hable, I will indevor mi sellf somaniwayes to do yow all the poore service I can, that your L. shall thinck your sellf satisfyed in mi poore pretencs, thowgh nott in my symple woorke. Protestyng to God that next his servyce & her majesties your L. is he whom I desire to have acqwaynted with whatt sincerenes I utter this, & with whatt will & mynde I wolld perfforme anything that might lyke yow, though it were to sacriffise mi poore lyfe for your sake & cawse./ I nede nott to describe mi sellf to yow, your L. knowes me better than mi sellf doth, yett I wisshe that wyndowe in my syde open, that mi hart might appere nakedly unto yow, as it is in all affectyon & duty affected towards your good L: & the grett worthynes that is in you, & as it shall persiste constantly in me duryng mi poore lyfe, wherof these vij last yeres contynualy have gyven you som prooff of mi zele & Loyallty in matters asswell towching your sellf as the prynce./

Therfore vowchesave mi good L. to accept mi poore thanckfullnes that I use, & to contynew your good will & cowntenance towards me (which som seke to alyenate from me) & I will deserve it beffore many dayes in suche sort, as your L. shall well thinck me unmete to be rejected: for som poore servyce I shalbe halbe to do yow to your lykeng; & som I have don of late & do presently (though unspoken of) which shall appere in his tyme, wherwith levyng to troble your L. further, I humbly take mi leve, sendyng mi man of purpose to yow to the Cowrt, for that your L. was departed hence beffore I was ware. In Redcrosse street the fyrst of februarye. 1576. your L. most humblye W. Herlleli.

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