
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/097

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 21 f. 36r - 37v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the right honorable mi very good L, the Lord Tresuror &c. give these./
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 18 november. 1575 William Herle to my L. master Wade.
Letter Text:
[fol. 36r] I wolld nott mi right honorable good L. that you sholld mistake me in my writing to yow, menyng to yow in all respectes so dutifully & humbly as I do. for in worldly things I wisshe rather dethe, than to give you juste occasyon of offence: nott for that yow be L. Thresuror of England, & so grett a personaige in mani other degrees, butt for your worthines in all perfectyons, wherin God hath largely [ deleted: hath] indued yow & for your noble disposityon towards all sorts, & especially unto me, to whom you have byn so good a patron./ Therfore I wolld nott presse your L. to ani thing for me, that your authoritye extended nott to, nor to those things that were far within your authoritye, withowt a grett good lyking of your behallf./ This matter of your warrant to be contynued uppon me is rather a declaratyon that I am her majesties prisoner still in the marshallsea, than to be protected by your L./ for there is a warrant with master waye the undermarshall, that her majestie hath comitted me thither by her expresse comandement, & given me leve to go abrode to do mi busines, till ether she revoke the sayd lyberty, or comytt me clene owtt of prison, by her cownter warrant or comandement, discharging the first./ Now yf she have nott discharged her first warrant (which is only & best knowen to your L. for the marshall claymes me still as his prisoner) than am I nott subject to ani other arrest, being marked a prisoner in on place allredy, & by her majesties owne comandment./ But if I be, I were then to have mi discharge orderly, & the marshall lokes for the same lykewise, to whom I am respectively tyed, & to demande bonds of myne & of frynds of myne, that ar bownd for me (which be in the Cowncell cheste) that I sholld use this liberty orderly & dutifully, wherin it might plese your L. of your goodnes to tell unto master Skyner, whither her majesty hath given your L. order to discharge this warrant or no, the knowledge wherof appertaynes only to your L. & the same shall satisfye me throwly hoping that yf I do move her mi sellf for som favor & help to be used unto me, as on that modestly & humbly blussheth [fol. 36v] to troble your L. in every thing as I do, that yow will vowchesave to cowntenance & furder me, as mi conffidence is entyerly in yow next unto God./ And then for master wades cawse & myne, I wolld humbly putt yow in remembrans, that yow undertoke ones to end it between us withowt Lawe, & so your L. conffirmed by your owne lre, to the master of the Rowlles very favorably on mi behallf, wherby yow shall do singuler good to both partyes, who bothe deppend of yow./ And me shall yow delyver from the extremity that the lawe brings me unto, by the bonds that the sayd wade hath of myne: butt yf your L. do consyder that I offer not only all that I have, butt far more than I have, to th'end all controversyes may be shutt up bettween us, & do yelld up all mi claymes that I have to make unto him besyde for all other things, that yow wilbe the rather moved to take som order in it as Conscyens & equitye may require, Wherwith very humbly taking mi leve, craving pardon ones more for mi late long lre, which had more regard to expresse myne own follyes & necessityes withowt cessing, than to your manifolld & weightye affayres, whom God long preserve to his plesure & your joye. from Redcrosse strete the xviij of november. 1575 your L. most humblye W. Herlle.

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