
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/093

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 19 f. 67r - 68v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the right honorable mi very good L. the L high Thresuror [of] England
[Endorsement by unkown hand:] 20 July 1574 William Herle to my L.
[Note:] Thanks for the favor shewed by the L. keper at your L. motion.
Letter Text:
[fol. 67r] Beside the number of your grett favors shewed dayly unto me mi right honorable good L. I had a lre of yowres on fryday to the L. keper, to be good unto me in the chargs of my booke, uppon sight wherof he discharged with grett willingnes 20li 9s 6d the one moytye of the fees belonging to the sealle: for having 13. Habendums in mi booke, eche habendum att the sealle, axed 3li 3s wherby the whole som cam that way to 40li 19s Which favor of my L. kepers (att your L. reqweste) as it stoode me in grett stede, so do I humbly thanck your L. for the same, as mi sole Patron & Benefactor, to whose goodnes (next unto Gods) I do owe all that ever I have or may have, ytt may plese your good L. therfor, to accept this mi humble & thanckfull mynde in liew of gretter hability, for I can do nomore with the [ ... ] , butt retorne with devotyon & thancks for all that hath bin bestowed uppon me, butt yf your L. will mesure with whatt faith & trew duty I do it, yow will make that accompte of it that it deserves, as of an assured servant of yowres, prayeng dayly to God [ deleted: unto] ^for^ you & redy to spend mi life & all that I have att your L. Comandement, Therfore it may plese your L. to vowchesave to take uppon yow to give mi L. keper & master Secretory thancks for me, who have so willingly don me good for your L. sake./ I cam yesterday by thibolds to se how they all dyd, & to knowe of mi Lady, whither she wolde comande me ani service to your L. who hath written unto you, & ^I^ wolde have comen with it mi self to the Cowrt, butt that your L. will pardon [fol. 67v] me I hope, if I be [ ... ] to borrow money here for the discharge of things appertayneng to mi booke & to the selyng therof. Wherwith moste humbly I take mi leve. From Redcrosse strete. the 20. of July. in haste. 1574. your L. most humblye./ W. Herlleli.

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