
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/084

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 16 f. 80r - 81v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the right honorable mi verey good Lord, the L. highe Thresuror of England &c. give these att the Cowrt./
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 18 ^o^ Jan. 1572 William Herle to my L.
Letter Text:
[fol. 80r] I have desired this berer mi right honorable good Lord, to declare somwhatt of mi hard state to your L. so his hap were so good to have accesse unto you, th'effect wherof in few words is, that mi necessity growes so grett as non can be more, nott having had a peni in the world of myne own since mydsomer, having payd suche money as her majestie bestowed uppon me by your honorable mediatyon to mi Creditors, & have withall borrowed money to satisfye som of their importunityes, who canot be perswaded butt that I have mowntaynes att her majesties hands, wherby they so vexe me with arrests & chargs (though I be still deliverd by the keper of the marshallseas menes) that I dare no more go owtt of doores. Smith kepes no towche with me, so as if it semed good unto your L. I wold send you the warrant again to be restored to her majesties use, mari he telles me that he offers good lands & good men to be bownd for the true answering of the stallment, & that they canott be accepted, which poynt asmuche moved me to make that importunate sute to your L. for the Q. proffitt, as for ani beneffite that were to rise to me, assuring you again, or elles lett me dye for it, that if this stallment go nott forward, that her majestie shall lose 3000li att the lest, besyde the extremity that shalbe used to the suretyes to th'undoing of the more parte, which I thinck mi dutye to disclose unto your L. the truthe of the [ deleted: thing] case, as yow shall finde it in effect to follow, butt if yow will have the warrant again, I beseche your L. to vowchesave to tell this berer therof & I will send it to yow tomorow, for Smith hath bin an occasyon of mi undoing, & owes me 50li besyde the som that he shold perfome unto me for this mi travaill. I send to your L. herewith a lre, which it plesed you to write att mi humble sute to Dover, in the the favor of certain fishermen of Ostend, butt they were departed home, before the sayd lre cam to my hands. And wheras it plesed your L. of your singuler goodnes, to grant unto me the prefferment of suche goods & chattelles as I mght finde owtt to appertayn to Thomas Stuckely, I have bin all this whyle borne in hand by master marshe, [fol. 80v] that he wold retorne an office of the partyes absence, & now the matter is delayed that I am further of than every I was. Butt if your L. wold vowchesave to move the Q. majestie for me, that I might have the reversyon of the gentillman porters office in the Towre, (for it is scarse possible that he shold be hable to [ deleted: lyve] ^contynew^ till mydsomer daye) I shold nott only be hable to lyve with som pore Cowntenance, butt allso stall mi detts qwiettly & to do unto her majestie som acceptable service: butt if this office ones fall before it be granted, there wilbe suche hold for it, as will easely prevent me. Lastly I do among other thinges, [ deleted: contynualli I do] continually pray for your L. for the honorable Care that ye had of me when I was with yow att Killingworth, aswell admonisheng me nott to spend mi money vainly. while the Q. was in Progresse, for that was no tyme ether for sutes or suters, as allso ye wished me to stay mi self uppon somwhatt in tyme, offring me uppon mi humble motyon made unto yow, that if it were to procure me ani wife, that your L. wold wooe for me your self, wherin if you wold vowchesave me your Cowntenance & assistence now, I know where to be sped of an honest matron, that is worth 6000li in redy Coyne, which substance & wife obteyned, your L. shold be assured to dispose of me & myne to the last peny, & that pore service which I were hable to do to the Q. majestie shold be most willingly employed, & to conclude your L. might make good accompte that all mi hability shold be. as astore to ani use that yow wold dispose it unto. Beseching your L. for that I might nott be discredited in the mene tyme, & that I might follow mi busynes abrode without arrests or molestacyons, to vowche save to subscribe & scale this lre within written to the marshall for mi liberty. sending herewith to your L. certayn peces of writeng that Concerne master walbeffe, which mi Cosyn vawghan sent me owtt of the Contrey, & so the Lord allmighty preserve yow Contynually to the good of his Churche & people of England. from London in haste the 18. of January 1572. Your L. most humbly for [ ... ] Wm. herlle.

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