
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/080

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 15 f. 164r - v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the right honorable mi singuler good lord, the Lord of Burghley, high Treasuror of England, & of her majesties privey Cowncell &c./
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 14 Julij. 1572 William Herle to my L. newes of the Low Contries
Letter Text:
[fol. 164r] I receved yester night, mi right honorable good Lord, a lre from flushing, directed thence on fryday last, which for that it is of a freshe date, I am bolde to imparte it with your L. on wensday there arrived 250 frenche sowdyors, who being receved by the towne into garrison, the daye following, sir Humfrey Gilbert with his company arrived there allso, Butt [Tzarras] , who takes uppon hym to be governor of the Towne, wold nott suffer hym to enter, butt shutting the gates against hym & his, made a playne declaratyon, that nomo englishe sowdyors shold be admitted there, which did so move the myndes of the englishmen, as they were redy to retorne all to their Contrey agayn, & heruppon the Townes men nott hable to endure this unworthines, which they have used by Tharras & the frenchemen, assembled together & arming them selves cam to Tharras, expressing with grett heatt & vehemencye, that they wolde be governed by th'englishmen, who were their Awncyente frynds & newe neighbors they sayd, & who with their blood had most valiantly deffended bothe them & their Towne, & had preserved the lives of them alle, objectyng to hym that he had brought in thither frenchemen, who nether had discipline nor Religion, butt suche as did devowre & spoyle them of all that they had, & in effect were no better than pillers & theves, [ deleted: who] & might with the like mynde, in growing stronger, oppresse bothe them & their liberty, threttning with verey injuryows words, to breke open the gates, & whither he wold or nott to lett in the english which contentyon contynued vj howres, & att the laste the matter was paceffied, & sir Humfrey gilbert with his company receved into the Towne with suche a generall affectyon of the Townes men, as bothe teres were shed, & their own beddes presented to the englishe men, though they shold lye on the grownd them selves, allso the french fayne to give place unto them, so as the whole truste & government is now in our natyon. They ment to send a nomber of men [fol. 164v] into that Iland called Beveland, to cutt of the vittayles that they of Tergus did send dayly to those of Myddelburg. The intelligence is there that the most parte of the sowdyors of Myddelburg, are retorned being called to Bruxelles, & that there is no garrison lefte att the lyttell pile called Sowbrugh, a mile & a half from flushing. Where the skermish began on myddsomer even. The frenche merchants have bought up all the pepper att x stivers a pownd, which they saye is to paye a grett dett that Cownt Lodovick doth owe, & for the rest of the spicery is att suche highe prises, as small gred or non is to be don therwith. Which mi good Lord is theffect of the lre that I have receved, as allso there is a dutcheman com over, who can pertyclerly declare mani things to your L. if yow vowchesave that he com unto yow. Lastly pardon me mi right honorable Lord, if I as a pore & humble well willer of your L. do rejoyse of the good hap that her majestie & the whole Reallm hath, by advancyng you to the Tresororship of England, wherin the place receves more honor & proffitt by yow than that it can give yow again, whom God increse, (I desire it humbly & vehemently uppon mi knees) in all vertue & grettnes, as your worthines deserves. Wherwith with all humility I finishe. from my Lodging this monday mornyng xiij ^o^ Julij. 1572. your L. porest bedeman./ Wm herlle./

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