
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/079

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 13 f. 162r - 164v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the right honorable mi verey good Lord, the L. of Burghley &c. give these att the Cowrt.
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] marche 1571 william Herle to my L. concerning James Chilliester
Letter Text:
[fol. 162r] [fol. 163v] Lastly if he be hard holden, adding som hope in th'end, he bothe can & will confesse muche, & if he be examyned of on God his brother in Lawe, who is on grett Papiste, an extreme usurer, & an yll mynded man towards the Prynce, there wold somwhatt fall owt that waye, whose howse were mete to be served for sedycyows bookes, & for wrytengs that may be there of thys Chillesters unles this God have som ynclyng of chillesters apprehensyon & therby made a ryddance before hand of suche things owtt of the waye, which God (as he is a verey cruell fellow & a miserable) kylled with a rake a pore innocent chylde in a womans belly by betyng her uppon that bellye. [ deleted: wherby] [ Marginalia (by Herle): xx ^ti^ wekes past, wherby] he scaped verey narrowly the danger of the Lawe. Butt if it may plese your L. to comande the sayd Chillester after his first examiniatyon, to make a Diarye from ester last how he hath spent the tyme, & in watt Company & of the Conferencs & practises that passed in that space, [ deleted: seming to] ^that yow wold seme unto^ hym, that if he swarve butt on jote from the truthe, that you ar hable to reprove hym wherby he is then past all hope of mercy or favor, this in mi oppynion will decipher hym to th'uttermost, for if he fayll, it may be straight bowlled owt, & compelle hym to revele all, Against whom there ar present wyttnesses these partyes following. Doctor Bulleyn. Cowper a lynen draper in fryday strete. fynstede a goldsmith in foster Lane. John Gilpine sir wallter mildmayes man. on Bulle mi L. wentworthes servant, from whom Chillester did stele an obligatyon. on wantland lyeng abowtt Sowthwark. allso Towrs a purveyor of the mynte. & fynally the generall repport of all his neighbors in Saynt Giles paryshe, without Crippellgate. Butt this it may plese your L. to remember by the waye, that Chillester nether att his apprehensyon, nor in his conveying up dyd se me, nor understand of mi being there, for I sent hym up by water with the kepers of the marshallsea. with ij men that I brought with me, & which ij men he had of his owne, & I retorned up by horseback, the chargs wherof in all was 36s which I payd, ^for this jorney^ , so as I nede nott be mencyoned ani waye unto hym. & thus I humbly finishe, having wrytten whatt I have collected, seing it was your L. so to comande me Among other of his bookes that ar left in the sheriffes custody, it appered his studi was muche in Machiavell. De Princips./ [fol. 164r] Whyles I was absent mi Lord abowtt this busynes in Essex, on sonday att night laste & on monday mornyng, cam to seke me william Barthlett the scott, with a bondell of lres that he had taken from on Andrew Chambers & his Companyon, which were directed owt of Scottland to the Bp. of Rosse from the Erlle of Hontleys brother, & from Alexander Lassley late the sayd Bps. man, & from sondry other, allso som lres to Cuthbert, which in myne absence cam to the Recorders hands, which I thought good to advertys your L. for the honest part that the sayd Barthlett used ^therin^ for whom I undertoke to your L. if ye remember it, that he shold do ani servyce he cowd, & now it apperes who might intercept more of them, if he were a Denizen, that he therbi might use vyttayleng frely, thus humbly taking mi leve the xix of marche. 1571. your L. most humblye. W. Herlleli.

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