
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/078

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 9 f. 10r - 11v. William Herle to Sir William Cecil. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the Right honorable sir William Cecill Knight, her Majesties Pryncipall secretory give this.
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 15 february. 1565. William Herle to my master.
Letter Text:
[fol. 10r] I beseche your honor now to be good unto me, in these mi trobles, or otherwise I am utterly undon, & then the rest ether of my innocencye of your goodnes towards me finally prevayles. I only require that where master Armigill Wade, did present unto yow this lre within enclosed, that your honor wold vouchesaffe to confirme it with your hand, bothe for justyce & compassyon sake, conteyneng in it those words breffly, to the which your hand did sine & agre in my former lre: But bycawse the same had other matter enterlaced with it & impertynent to mi cawse, I am most unwillingly forced to troble your honor over agayn, to avoyd therby the captiousnes of my adversaryes, the which more rests in words, then in good substance of matter. the which words master wade being also present at theyr spekyng, will deppose uppon a Boke to be true: And the spaynishe Embassador lykewise, doth well remembre them, & will noles testeffy the same in every parte, as uppon hys honor he doth assure me. And for mi part, I have that faithfull & humble regard unto your Estimatyon & personage, as uppon mi sowte I wold not ones motyon it, unles bothe every parcel were most certayn of prooff, & fre of conscyens every way to your honor: for so mi [ deleted: christian] christianity to God, & duty to yow wards doth well Comande me. Now wheras your honor of thother syde, thyncks good it shold be refferred to willsons examinatyon, the same do I only desire, & have ever refferred mi self to that scope, but havyng proceded hitherto juridice, the lawe then wyll not permitt the same unto me, without som shew of partyall vyolence on my syde, & objectyon of my adversaryes: but they them selves might well produce hym, if their only feare rested not there cheeffly. & these disavantags have the deffendants, as these extremityes agayn, require a gretter consyderatyon of my case at your honors hands. But I seme somwhatt to be complayned of, to your honor, wherin as I mistrust not your good favor, so dowt I not your justyce to consyder of it accordingly every way, & of mi present state withall. My misery owght to have consumed all malyce or now, the which rather is wont to follow [welts] , but my fate is styll I se to be persecuted in ether degre, God help me, therfore next after hym [fol. 10v] I flee only to your honor, as to a sure reffuge: assuryng yow that what was insolent in me, is now ether cutt of by the late admonityons, or so corrected by your godly instructyons & awthority, as ether way yow have the cheffest part of thys amendment, vowing the same noles yowrs whyles I lyve, then as otherwise with pen & pyke to dye at your foote, my allegiance only reserved. Lastly I have appoynted thys berer my man to attend uppon your honor to signe my other lre, the which most humbly I expect & so fynisshe. from London the xv. of february. 1565. your honors humble servitor. W Herlleli

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