
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/077

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 7 f. 77r - 78v. William Herle to the Earl of Leicester. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the Right Honorable & mi singuler good Lord Robart Dud [ley, Knight] of the Garter, master of [the horse] on of her majesties most privey Cowncell geve this Cito Cito Cito
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 13 Octobris. 1563 William Hearle
Letter Text:
[fol. 77r] I can scarse write ani thing presentlye to your good Lordship for wekenes, butt yett enfforcyng mi sellf to th'uttermost, this may breeffly open unto yow whatt hitherto in mi charge hath passed, & to whatt termes the same is now browght, being 18 dayes past uppon a hurt of mi horse shaken with a mene ague, I was driven with that to a dooble tertyan, & finally to kepe mi bed, so as your honors cowd receve no suche due & reqwisite advertysments from me as I wold. Butt now mi case every waye waxing better, fyrst I shalbe the habler in th'one to satysfye expectacion, & in the other to prepare mi self Imedyatelye homewards with fuller instructyons aswell by mowth as writeng. I have allso here with me the partyes pryncipall clerck, attending mi compani for England, bothe caryeng lres of credite to her majestie with hym, as lykewise to master Secretorye from his master, whom ytt may please you accordinglye to entreate. The Contractor hym sellf had willimgly com in person, butt being a weake body to undertake suche a vyage, & of muche indisposityon uppon the sea, was agayne disswaded tyll the spring, butt specyallye he semes to staye with fame of the greatt plage.

In the allum I have his full resolutyon, suche as may verey well satsifye . Lykewise in the principall contract doth he present to make the full som juste up 400000 [dollers] . butt the tyme of their delyverye is somwhatt to be differred, bothe for that his answer owtt of England cam so late, as allso Duke Ericks band skattred in dyverse parts of the contry this hole yere, was of muche terror to him, lest by suche itt might be distressed in the waye, [fol. 77v] to the which now there is good remedye he hopes, & therfore in the rest her majestie shall dispose as she wyll.

Cownt Anthoni of Oldenburgh hath written to me that I shold repayre to conffer with hym, asswell in the money matter, as for som talke of intercowrse or leage to be had otherwise, to the singuler proffitt of her majestie & Reallm: butt I deppending holly uppon this other matter, thowght nothing meter than to dispatche the same fyrst, & then to the rest were allwayes occasyon of tyme & purpose to be mynistred.

This fynally have mi things framed, to the best, hoping that mi sycknesse shall nott give ani empesschement to mi spedy retorne homewards, mari, ij things be fyrst reqwisyte, wheruppon I most forcyblye deppend, as to have your honors authoritye for som smal vessell of good conduct over: & next for credyte of 2 or 300 crownes with Richard Clough, to satisffye suche chargs as by waye of credyte I was fayn to take up towards mi necessarye furniture, the which now allgats beffore mi departure is to be restored agayne, yf master Governor were present, his credyte might well differre ytt, butt as the case is your honors I dowtt nott wyll have good consyderatyon therof by the next post, & In the meane seson [I] will diligently attend for suche my spedy dispatche hence. When I last departed from the Cowrt, I had butt 30li de claro towards mi chargs, the rest went to master Governor, (consumed in former expencs) as allso a good pece of the 30li dyd, yett for that I wold nott seme to be styll gratyng, I qwyetted mi sellf with her majesties portyon, tyll [fol. 78r] I shold deserve more. Now your honors may vowchesaffe to prefferre that which is necessarye, & I therby being bothe better hable to serve & do well, shall also contynuallye praye for your L. honorable estate long t'endure from digham the 13. of october 1563. your L .most humblye W Herlleli

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