
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/076

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 7 f. 75r - 76v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the Right honorable Sir William Cecill Knight [her] majesties Principall Secretorye att the Cowrt Cito Cito Cito
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 5 [November] 1563 William Herle
Letter Text:
[fol. 75r] I sollycyte styll on thing Right honorable, & in respect of mi servyce well fynisshed, do confydentlye attend som credyte of 300. [crowns] to dispatche me hence, the which most willinglye I wold refferre to mi comyng over, so my promis & faythe were nott presentlye to be discharged beffore mi departure: And here the partyes clerck deppends also uppon me, thincking this staye verey long, & before me, I canott perswade hym by ani mene over, the which most humblye I desire to be dulye consydered of, & so fynde your honors accustomed prefferment. Butt yf by the last post, mi case be answerd, then is the same now myscaryed into Calyce, & I forced to staye longer, till your honors have agayne advertysed of your plesures./

ytt semes here that Assonvelt shold have ben sent into England to have for the tyme supplyed the place of the late bysshoppe of Aqwila, butt now agayn the same is is alltred & in suspence betwixt Opernis & another, wherof within these ij dayes, I shall advertis your honor the verey certaintye.

The antwerpians presentlye follow their deleancs att the Cowrt in the sharpest maner, & do renew the Skotts former offer agayne, that furnissheng in this contrey iij C lowmes, they shall have lesse cawse to waye the'nglysshe intercowrse, and we the more forced to yeld to theyr beck everye waye.

There is com to the Cowrt the Cownt of Egmont, & Cownt of Herne, with whom the Prince of Orange & rest of the'stats ar expected; and yesterdaye those which were presentlye here ether of the State, fynance, or privy Cowncell, were generallye fested by Egment, the Cardynall onlye excepted.

Muche talke is with theme, of our peace with frawnce, wissheng ytt were nott without Calyce, for that poynt they bylde to be their suretye, & also to be worthye their assistens in the treatye or otherwyse. Butt of th'othersyde itt is dowtffull in som, whither to disturbe peace, they more mene ytt then to preferre [fol. 75v] owr publique comodityes.

From Swethen & denmarke, there is synce com nothyng certayn to conffyrme the former newes. And of Cromback he hath so provyded. & He now lyttel feares ani takyng.

I infformed of a feate to your honors to be don abowtt Gravellyng, which is now certaynlye in hand, & th'absence of som of theme long tyme from their charge, being att the frenche Cowrt, dyd hitherto differ the purpose rather, than take awaye the hope of ytt, wherwith most humbly fynissheng from Bruxelles in hast, the v ^th^ of november 1563. your honors most humblye W Herlleli

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