
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/075

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 7 f. 73r - 74v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the Right honorable Sir William Cecyll Knight, her majesties Principall Secretory geve these diligens Att the Cowrt Cito Cito Cito
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 26 Octobris 1562 William Hearle
Letter Text:

[fol. 73r] By mi last Right honorable of the 20 ^th^ of this present, dyd I certeffye throwlye the state of mi busynes, wherin wanted nothing butt mi comyng over, all other things were determyned, & fullye concluded uppon.

With me also I declared, to be the cheeff Contractors clerck, havyng to the Qwenes majestie & your honor bothe, his masters lres of credyte, wherbye everye circumstance of tyme & place, of bond & som, might be apparante. Now he rests uppon mi passage & companye over, the which ytt maye please your honor to advance. And for a mete shippe, bycawse that sholld not muche troble your honors, I will wryte to Maye of Dover for mi spedye transport, so ytt seme good: onlye I most humblye desire som credyte beffore with Richard Cloughe of ij or iij C [crowns] to answer suche other credyte, as in tha'ffayres I was fayne to use, assuryng your honor I wold have wanted to my shert butt the case allso [ deleted: had] shold have taken effect, therfore presserve me I beseche yow as the purpose maye reqwyre.

This mornyng we Receved lres from the Contractor, declaring good newes for his securytye, the which beffore had kept him yn long suspence & hyndrance for the conveyng of his money ani whither, & namely so far a jorney as to the place appoynted, while Duke Eryck with his band was yett in armes, & the hole contrey overspred with men of war, butt now he hath dissolved theme all att Presle ^(though verey shamefullye)^ in the marqwesship of Brandenburgh, [ deleted: well] [ deleted: to thuttermost ] & is hym self allredye retyred into his contrey ^ & from thence com to the hage in holland^ the rest allso begynne to cleane the cost everye where.

Butt the Dane kepes styll the ffelds, with grett penurye of of meate & money, with muche sycknes & marvaylous mutenyes of his sowdyors, nether in saffetye to dysmysse theme, nor hable long to retayne theme, wherof th'end is dangerows. A comunicatyon of peace notwithstanding is had, & the [fol. 73v] Lubecyans lyke to be excluded the leage, besydes that they ar becom bownd for vj C m gold gyldernes to the Cownt of Swartzburghs Rutters towards their payment, so as they stand on extreme poynts of undoyng everye waye.

The cyttye of Wyrtzberg in Germaine, whyle the free mart was there now holden, is utterly sacked by on william van Crombach a gentyllman, who by iij or iiij together trayneng yn att tymes a good nombre of horsemen & hargubusyers, fynally by their ayd erlye in a mornyng, toke the gate with the rest of his companye, & so seased the markett place & corners of the streats, caryeng awaye frelye a marvaylous spoile, yett now they mutter that he is synce taken. This is brother to the Crombach who iiij or v yeres past, kylled the bysshoppe & certayne his gentyllmen bettwen the towne & castell, & afterwards being discovered, was within wirtzburgh executed, & his goods conffyscated, in whose revenge this feate (by a mene gentyllman his brother) is wrowght.

Frederick Spett in his retorne homewards, mett me att Hartich van Busse, muche complayneng that the Dukes of [Sponce] & Machelburgh were of so lyttel accompte with the prince of England, as in so greatt a while, so weightye cawse, no accesse was admitted hym in their affayres, wherunto imputyng excedyng ingratitude & contempt, his talke was nott allso without thretts: Lastlye he discovered his case holly unto me (as in part he had don beffore att mi comyng over to Andwerpe) & presentyng me all his lres of credyte & the secrett Knott of his busynes, so I wold have undertaken to have sollycyted ytt in England with her majestie alone, wheratt demeng ytt to be mi parte to enter in forren Imbassadors cawses, he lefte me, confessyng then to have allredye Receved full answer in his busynes, from mi Lord Robart & your honor by the Qwenes commandement, butt nott suche as he loked for. So most humblye fare ye well from Andwerpe. 26. octobris. 1563. your honors most humblye to comande W Herlleli

[Postscript:] [fol. 74r] postscriptum. 27. octobris. The constant newes be com to the Regent & Cardynnel here that the Dane is overcom bothe by water & land, & hym self browght to these termes, as his cheffest hope is in the flight, nether sure of his owne men, nor well to conserve his contrey. Here is on doctor Kunffard Imbassador of Denmarke who with the states here, sollycytes marvaylouslye to take up att Amsterdam, Holland, & Andwerpe certayne notable somes of money, muche movyng as those placs, & the nobylytye here to becom suretye for the same, usyng thayde for his prefferment the prince of Orangs awthoritye & offryng for theyr assurance agayne the tolle of the Sownde & all the revenewes of denmarke with awgmentacyon of manye new privylegs, butt no frute wold sucede, yett he contynues styll in is sute.

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