
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/073

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Lansdowne 7 f. 66r - 67v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the Right honorable Sir William Cycell Knight Principall Secretory to [her] Majestie gyve these at Cowrt with spede
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 2 Aug. 1563 William Herle from Dunkerk
Letter Text:
[fol. 66r] I have stayed here, Right honorable, x dayes for a sure passage, havyng thryse wrytten therof to dover, & verey ernestly cravyng in her majesties behalf the conduct of som man of warre att myne owne chargs, & that in this they wold dyligentlye advance their mistresse servyce with spedye satisfactyon of my reqwest, butt as yett to mi greatt greeff, nether shippe apperes nor answer to ani wryteng. Lastlye understanding of Robynsons being att Sluce, Imedyatelye dyspatched a pese to hym for his reppayre hither, butt he the daye beffore was departed thence, & I therfore everye waye dissappoynted. Fynallye seing non other reffuge, & also for discharge of mi servyce, have alonely hired a fyssher boate to carye over mi man in habyte of a Germayne with lres to your Honor, fyrst signeffyeng the apparent cawse of mi long delaye, with th'interceptyon twyse before of other my lres, therfore that itt wold please your honor to gyve som order now for mi better transport over: mi charge being to your full contentment fynisshed, & the nombre of 370000 [dollers] redy I have with me the Contract of the same, under their fyrme & seales verey substantyallye, therfore wold nott rassheley comytt mi sellf to the seas without good conduct, seing howrly beffore mi face the frenche Shallops spoyle, & take even here at the havens mowthe, & besyde that none can so sone com to towne, or other wyse make passage, butt a post of the frenche that lye here purposelye for the same, certeffye al things att Calyce, with the condycions or qwalitye of the passengers, the which your honor no dowtt will respect accordinglye.

Now for that the tyme doth marvaylowslye consume, & lest my Contractors withall might thinck itt long, I have retorned on purposelye to these parts, diligentlye to entertayne theme [fol. 66v] with hope of short conclusyon, In the mene season I was forced (by master Governors credyte) to take up 100 li att usance in Andwerpe, for furniture of mi busynes & chargs, which most humblye I beseche your honor that itt may be dulye answerd, being a case, without the which nether mi poore credyte can be mayntayned nor her majesties servyce prosecuted, which now thancks be to God is verey happylye brought to good yssue.

I have thre things to declare att mi comyng, wherof necessarylye I now omytt to wryte, onlye desyreng withall humilitye that your honor wold remayne mi good patron & Mecenas, vowchesaffing with spedye answer to retorne this mi servant, & so God long prosper yow, from Dunkerck in hast the 2. of Awgust 1563. Your honors most humblye W Herlleli

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