
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/068

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Cotton Vespasian C VII f. 383r - v. George North to William Herle. The second postscript on this letter runs perpendicular in the left hand margin. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the right worshipfull my especiall aprovid good frend William [Her] lle Esqwyer give these
Letter Text:
[fol. 383r] 1581 Portugall

My good & especiall dear frend master Herlle, howe much these that love you do lack you, & speciallie in these dangerous tymes your owne proufe in ofte pleasuring them, doth best knowe: The Portinggale cawsis be utterlie qwalid, for don Antonio is distressid & beseegid in a Nonnerie, which howse the spaniardes will not violat till they have receavid lycence & pardon from theyr pope: notwithstanding Doctor Lopus gevith out to the contrarie / it is thought John Young is gone for the Ilandes or else (beeing safe) he wold not have missed all these fayer wyndes / Master Stafford came to the court the 26. of december what newse he brought may be supposid by the companie and countenance he had hear. For I sawe him the 27. walke on the Tarris, having no more to confeer with all but his shadoe The 29. the L. hastie Haward, Charles Arundell, & fine Southwell powdrid with parfumes, wer examenid at my Lord Chauncelars (Monsieur Le Comte de O (as I hear) beeing theyr accusar) wher they answerid so discreetlie for them selves, as they ar ^closelie &^ saflie lowked unto, for losing: The L. [harine] at my L Chauncelars Arundell at master vice chamberlaynes, & Southwell at the fleet but a stronggar place provydes for som of bettar countenance (as I hear) God send them in qwycklie if they be faultie, & to receave due reward to theyr desarts: nowe the spring is discoverid I trust the hed wilbe speedelie found & theyr ^water^ course alterid to theyr owne distruction / My L. Chamberlayn & my ladie was not at the court on new yeers daye for his honor is sick at Barnsey, my L. Treasurar lyeth lame of the Goute the more pittie, & my L. of Lecestar with all your other honorable freendes are in hellthe: but speciallie the Quyens Majestie (God be praysid for it) never more pleasant or lustie, which I hope the heavenlie prince of all will long preserve, to the joye & comfort of all true hartid Englyshe men / and thus farr for an orator / Our Iryshe actions remayne as they were but nothing so dangerous as our papists hopid: Capten peerce dwells in the same termes he did, [ ... ] fayer, performid at leasure, & I your poore frend quayles not so long as it is in queston: I hope with others, thoughe I cannot continewe it so well, and puet estre we may be all deceavid: But howe so ever I rest in all fortunes your faythfull & assurid to comaund George North
[Postscript:] Master Ledsam as my self hath him comendid unto you, love me still & let me hear agayn from you. London the 3 Januarie 81
[Postscript:] postscrip. After I had endid this lettar (as you see) newse was brought in that John Young was com to the Court: who ther I presently went to have spoken with him, & could not: yet spake with Capten peerce my Cussin Roberts & with ledsam who had the whole discourse of all, don Rodorico is returnid with him as poore as may: they suppose Don Antonio is fled into Fraunce, he was once abourd an Englysheman & offerid 1000 Ducketts with more for his passadge hyther, the faynt hartyd varletts refusid him, so as he was faynt to entar into a frentchman who went a way with him) yet to what place he know [es] not: he made as he sayth the vice admirall of the Spanishe fleet stryke unto him, & howe the Kyng hath at the Ora [ ... ] 30. armadose 40. sayle of tall shippes & 40 saylle of other smaller, the sea is full of them / tis more I herd at the court, for troth that the Erle of Kildar, the L. of Uprossar & one other L. is in hand: god confond all her Majesties enemis

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