
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/065

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Cotton Titus B VII f. 57r - 58v. William Herle to Earl of Leicester. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To his Excellencye &c. per William Paige post
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] William Herle sept 8 1587.
Letter Text:
[fol. 57r] This daye abowtt 2. of the clock in the after noone, arryved master Athye here from your Excellencie & on wendsaye mornyng to Thiballdes, were lres brought owtt of Spayne towching a full assent to the peace, which ar kepte verey close & secrett. The Erlle of Derby wilbe att the Cowrtt on sondaye, & ther uppon will follow, whatt order shall be gyven to our Comissyoners, for their proceedyng. Sir Thomas Heneyge on wensday in the after noone, was sworne & admitted vicechamberlayne. The L. of Honsdon departs tomorrow to his howse in Hartfords shire, & thence northward, beyng made L. warden of the myddle marches, withall fees & proffitts therunto appertayneng, bestowed on him, He hath besyde a grett parcell of the Temperalityes of the Bisshoprick of Durham gyven hym, wherof his fellowes pronoscicate, that he shalbe made Cownte Palatine. He hath som forces appoynted him to strengthen his governement & Action./ master Robart Cecill att the mediation of the Erlle of Essex, had all his fathers offics grawnted him in reversyon within Hartford shire./ Sir John norrys frinds gyve owtt, that he shall be sent over, to make his submissyon to your Excellencie, [ Marginalia (by Herle): they] using verey Reverent speches of you, & takyng holld of som [ deleted: speches] check, ye gave to the L. marshal, for the yll exployted enterprise of Howghstrate, that if Sir John norrys had byn used in that charge, he wolld have fowght it owtt with whatt forces soever he caryed, which doth somuche the more plese that syde, yn howmuche it sowndes to the disgrace of the sayd L. marshall./

I have now a sute to your Excellencie of myne owne, that is that ye wolld be plesed to write an ernest lre on mi behallf to the L. Tresuror, who surely is well enclyned of him sellf to favor me, & hath promised all the mediation he can [ deleted: for] to her majestie for mi good, which by your recomendacion wilbe furtherd, bothe in cowntenance & comoditye, wherfore seyng that your Excellencie may grettly satisfye by so easy a mene, [ deleted: I do] on that trulye followes, & honors you, I do relye therof & whollye comend it to your spedy honorable writeng, Lykewise that ye will vowchesave that mi Lady your wife, do inclyne her son, to the same effect with her majestie, & the L. Tresuror, which shalbe a double favor, wherwith very humbly I take mi leve, Temple Barre the viiij ^th^ of september. 1587 your Excellencies most humbly. W. Herlle.

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