
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/056

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Cotton Galba D I X f. 84r - 85v. William Herle to The Earl of Leicester. For some reason, Herle has signed this and BL MS Cotton Galba DIX f. 82r - 83v as 'William Harte'. Herle also uses a different seal than usual on both of these letters. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To his Excellencie./
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] Master Harte, from Embden.
Letter Text:
[fol. 84r] Right Excellent, my verye good Lo: having lately (by gods good pro [vi] dence) light upon some lres, written by our trayterous papists of Ry [ll] & Messipont; my purpose was (yf your Excellencie had remayned in England) to have directed to your handes, the originalls themselv [es.] But understanding therupon of your arrivall in Zealand, though dutie constrayned me to dispatche the principalls into England yet could I not, but impart unto yow, the copies of them all partly because somethings therin do perticularly concerne yourselfe; & especially for that I thought the rest to be worthy of your knowledge.

I forbeare to enter into any of the particularities, leaving them to be we [ygh] ed by your highe wisdome: only I thought good to advertice your Excellencie that they still contynue their custome of sending into England their wonted instruments of treason and rebellion. For I have certaine intelligence that in lieu of those whom they heare to have bene executed, 5. or 6. others were lately sent from Rome, have bene at Rhemes, & thence went toward the sea, to seke their passage ^about a month agoe:^ besides one Moore, withone eye who is no papiste, yet a presompteous and busye enemye: There are also appointed at Rhemes to goe for Engl. in September or October next, 3. priests more, to witt, Arrowsmith, Bayles, & Copie./

For Germanye, the forces levied for France are saied to be in good readynes. Yt is feared that those for the Provinces, will either not be complete, or els wilbe longer in gathering them were expedient, by reason that sondrye Capitaines on whom Plattenberge did accompt, are with their retynues preparing toward Fraunce.

Some stirr is reported nowe to be raised in Swizzerland: no doubt to divert the Swizzers from sending into France. They of Mulhowsen are sayed with violence to have thrust out their Senate & to have declared themselves subject to the house of Austin: the re [st] of the Cantons to have admonished them of their league, somoned them to receyve their Senate, & (upon their obstinate refusall) to have put themselves in armes, sacked that towne, & put all the men to the sworde./

Yt is written from Paris that the K. of Navarre doeth prosper well in Poictou, hath recovered what he lost, & wonne that he never had: insomuch as 2. thirds of that conntrey have joyned in league with hym. Notwithstanding (as he was in parle with the Capitaine of a place (the which he then beseiged) his horse was killed under hym, 2. gentlemen that were next hym slaine, and himself shot (with a pistol) throwe the shoulder, yet without peril of deathe./

The malcontents do by small companyes spread them selves in this conntrey, & besett the passages, chiefly for them of our nation: & (the 7. of this monthe) they tooke two of them over in the suburbs of this towne, as they came out of the fields from shoting. Th'Erle & the towne have sent to Verdugo, for redresse of these disorders: what they shall obteyne, the tyme will showe.

Thus with my hartie prayers (the best dutie I can performe) I humbly take my leave: beseching that L. of hosts so to governe your Excellencie as having in all things a single hart & humbled to all his comandements, his good hand may be with yow, [ deleted: &] in giving successe & blessing to all yow take in hand. Em [bden] this 15. of July 1587. Your Excellencies moste humble servant William Harte./

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