
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/044

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Cotton Galba CVII f. 281r - v. Edward Norreys to William Herle. 
Letter Text:
[fol. 281r] 1583 belgia 13 Septe.

Master Herle I receaved yours of the 23 by the post, your advertisement of Fraunce concurrs for the most part wth those that we have heer. Inchynge warres prepared against the Religion, but we say wyth all that the Fresh newes of the truce made between the Turk and the persian, wyll break that course and it is loked for that at a generall assembly of the Nobility at Paris the xx of thys moneth wher we heer the King wylbe, the intent to accept the inquistion wylbe greatly repugned by the Catholyckes them selves and not lyke to goe forward: we have receaved also letters from Monsieur from Cambray who saith he is arrived ther wyth 8000 Footmen and 2000 horse and attendeth but that the states should accept hym and then to begin a new warre against Spayn: by this we ghesse that Monsieur is not comprehended in any resolution to make warre against the Protestants, and that the Kinge wyll not begin a warr, till he see what part Monsieur wyll take; our Negotiations are herd, but you Know the humour of theyr people howe slowe they are to geve aunswer, from Colleyn we heer the the Duke Casimier is arrived ther to mediat an agrement and as far as I can learne the Towne wyll be content wyth that bisshop, whych is lyke to bringe them first peace, the Prince of Parma hath held hys determinations in suspens a whyle partly for that he was informed that I should bringe some forces hether and partly to heer what Monsieur did in fraunce, but nowe he procedeth to beseege Ipre: I am not of opinion under correction of [ ... ] wyther, that it is a good course to make fair wether to the Queen of Scotland my reasons I wyll discourse by the next because the wind nowe surpriseth me and therfore with great thankes for your remembringe of me I wyll comyt you to God from flushyng thys 13 of Sept. stilo corretto 1583 your good freend E Norreys

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