
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/036

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Cotton Galba C VII f. 216r - v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. AFol. 216r has the signature 'Jj' (or 'Ii').  
Letter Text:
[fol. 216r] Belgia 1582 2. Aprill

Uppon satterday mi R honorable L. passed throw this Town the englisshe poste, of whom I hard nott before yesternight, for that I was rydden ynto the contry to confferre with a Lord of these parts. The sayd poste lefte worde that an Ambassador of her majesties was arryved att Donkerck, who for Lack of poste horses, was constrayned to take waggens, & so went a long by the sea syde to Sluse, & from thens to Flusshyng, so as I suppose that he was ether yesternight att Andwerpe or wilbe this daye. master Secretorye Wallsynghams man Burnham was in his company./ yesterdaye passed by a frencheman to Andwerpe, on of the .4. that waytes by quarterayge uppon Monsieur as captayn of 30. archers a horseback./ I have ynclosed herin a copye of the Artycles exhibited to the States att Monsieurs generall proposytion./ To morrow by Gods Leve I do yntend to ryde to Andwerpe, to thme end I may be redy to do the lest service I can, to the personayge (whatt soever he be) that her majestie hath sent over, & so will I contynew yn the dutye & diligens that I am hable to yelld./ Tresslong Admirall of Zeland; & Governor of Donkerck, gave 10. [crowns] to on to bryng lres to monsieur & the P. of Orenge of the arryval of her majesties Ambassador & to be there with theme beffore his comyng, wherwith very humblye I fynisshe. Bruges, the ijd of Aprill . 1582. your L. most humblye W. Herlleli.
[Postscript:] The garrison of Cambray & cambresis to the nober of 400. shott & 400. horse do kepe Lentz, to the seege wherof the P. of parma is marched with his whole camp./ Captayn Brave is among the Frenche Trowpes with in the Town./

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