
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/011

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Cotton Caligula C III f. 63v - 64v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Letter Text:
[fol. 63v] xxiiij ^to^ Aprilis 1571:

About midnight my Lord I Came to Charles Chamberdore alleageinge that the gentleman his neighbor was happelie come that night to lie in his Chamber which had opened the occasion to me so to have fre accesse unto him Yet sheweinge great feare to my selfe but comfortinge him in that I might [ deleted: fully knowe his minde touchinge these wherin] Wherin [ ... ] of purpose the B. lre whose Ciphres I gave yor Lp yesternight till I might fully knowe his minde touchinge these points the B. requyred me to knowe at his hands yet tellinge him that I had a lre for him could not finde it in the darke & durst not fech it for my Chamber fellowes which unhaply I had forgotten to put aparte before night Whereat he was importunate to have it by and by, but I tolde him there was no remedy till the morninge And demandinge of him in the Bps name whether he had bene examined who gave him the male and Whether he had confessed it was [fol. 64r] was Hamylton And lastlie whither his examinacon extended not to knowe what dealinge he had with the Englishe rebells At which words he was so astonyed as albeit there were no light his alteracion was apparent fallinge into a sodaine tremblinge & to such a falteringe of his tongue, as in some while he coulde expresse nothinge well, but in thende he asked why then hath not my Lord his lres which I answered yes, but that before that he had receaved them he writ me a lre to that end & used the like speche by mowthe or he had deciphered the said lres And this was thoccasion yet half stammeringe he said that he had confessed nothinge of Hamelton but for the rebells he detested them & knewe no one of them usinge such vehement passion in speaking of them as though they had bene fellowes to the Divell and that the executioner had bene by to have punished some present fawlt, like to escape his mouthe sigheinge indeede that yor Lp had threatned him death or at least wise the losse of his eares And this sticks depe in his brest Whereupon yor Lp may worke doubtles the whole discoverye namely if he be Comitted close prisoner & examined upon these articles which I exhibite herewith a matter no way deniable by many proufes And in this place I glawnced at some secret Quier of writinge to passe of his meane betwixt us But he gave very cold aunswere Then I tolde him of two speciall freinds I had amonge the rebells whose Chance I Lamented grevously desireous onely to knowe howe they did and what life they Led & where Thone was the Comtesse of Northumberland whose kinsman I was by the Somersets and thother a Companion of myne Thomas Jonson But he could endure no motion of them at all protestinge he never knewe them nor understoode What names I meant by them whereat reconcileinge him with more plawsible & sweter matter I left him contented & so departed for that instante./ Nowe this morninge knoweinge what tyme he should come furth I conveyed my self secretly before into the privye in the garden where I delivered him the d. lre who with great joye receaveinge it promised aunswere in thafternone But still harpinge upon a certaine feare to lese his eares I Confirmed him againe but in beinge espyed [fol. 64v] espyed come from the privey by John Grey that attends upon him I was sharply reproved by him which I excused by medicine and that by solublenes of my bodie that rose thereof repayreinge in the after none to Axe Alley where he cast me out of the grate an answere to the B. lre which I present herewith And meaneinge to have cast up a lre of myne owne whose Copie is here also, I was espyed by a bakers wife who objected to me it could be no honest matter that I offred in so unfit a place which she would declare unto the keeper but I gave the best words I coulde And so departinge delivered the said lre under Charles stayres dore to his owne hands, Who within a while after delivered me an aunswere to the same which also I have here with me./ 24 ^o^ Aprilis 1571./

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