
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/010

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Cotton Caligula C III f. 63r - v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Letter Text:
[fol. 63r] xxj ^o^ Aprilis 1571 From William Herle to the Lord Burghley.

At my returne from your Lp yesternight I found Master Barthelet to speake whence from the Bp: attendinge some answere from Charles with such assurance given me of the Bps side as eyther for the trust he conceaves or the trust he menes to Comitt unto me I am in that degree with him as I may work great & secret things not onely for the present but for the tyme to Come if now the matter be handled cleane wherein he presseth me for an answere from Charles Therefore It may please your Lp to consider thereof, for his liking of me (which surely is much) may serve you to exceding purpose many wayes And if I may have Charles lres which I delivered your Lp yesternight to give Barthlet this morninge they beinge so made up as no suspicion growes of their openinge I may doe from hencefurthe what I will but if they be deferred till the afternone the tyme will brede mistrust withall if they continue to write in Cipher, whether it be your Lps pleasure I shall still send them to your Lp or els deliver them straight where they be addressed And finally whether I may repayre to the Bp with such message as I receave from Charles by mowthe which may breede the greater trust in travellinge in that manner, and may discover the more matter by entring into nerer familiaritye with him Changeinge writeinge happely into message and bringing them by meanes to write boeth unto me [ deleted: whereby] whereby I enter into a hope that I may learne Charles Ciphar, pretendinge thereby to write the more secretly. I have talked with Charles about midnight who hath delivered me an other lre for the B. in Ciphar which I send herewith & contynews as I suppose his examinacion before your Lp, & the Lord Chamberlaine wherein he saieth that he hath bene hardlie handled by you in gropeinge him very nere, and that he was demanded what liveinge he had in the Lowe Countreyes for that he alleaged his goeinge over to be to se his freinds and to recover somewhat there. his answer was [ deleted: [crowns]] 100 [crowns] by the yere, Then was replyed he should serve a Bp beinge so well able to live of himself, which he excused upon the Duke of Alva's detayneinge of the same, further was he Charged [fol. 63v] Charged that Melchior came to him which he said was of freindship being bothe of one Countrey Also with Mackinson Barthlet and other enquyreinge what message they brought him from the Bp but he denyed that they brought any desireinge me earnestly to tell Mackinson thereof for that he and Melchior should be brought before the Counsell to daye Nowe if it be your Lps pleasure that I goe unto the Bp It might also pleas yow to give me some matter to minister unto him to wyn the more grace & to hold him on the more, understanding even nowe that the Bp meanes to be at the Court to day And therfore would have Charles instruccons before hand And this requyres your Lps present resolucon & answer whome god preserve to his holie will. In haste from the Marshalsea this sonday morninge 1571 your Lps very humbly W: Herle

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