
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/008

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Cotton Caligula C III f. 176r - 177v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. At the words 'secret' wrytengs, the writing continues perpendicular up the left hand side of the margin. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the right honorable mi good Lord the Lord of Burghley her Majesties principall secretorye. in hast. hast.
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] 18 April 1571 William Herle Bertlet
[Endorsement by Burghley:] Charles
Letter Text:
[fol. 176r] 1571 18 Aprill

yesternight mi Lord, was with me the same william Barthlett the Scott which [ deleted: was] is hoste to mi man, excusing that he had told me the day beffore an untrue tale, of the B. of Rosses comitteng to his own howse, which he had hard of on he sayd of the contrary side, butt that the Bishop he thancked God was never better, having bin with the Q. Majestie on Monday att night till after x, of the Clock, determyneng now to remayne here till as hys mistresse cawse were ended, which bi her comandment he was willed to do./

Thus I most write playnly & directly to your L. suche speche as passeth in handling of this Cawse, be it true or no, to th'end the judgement therof be your [ deleted: only] L. only, who is to se by their haltyng or playnesse wherunto they tend the more, yett craving verey humbly, for thatt I have to dele with a suttil party the Bishop of Rosse from whose forge mani conyng inventyons may rise, that I may have inscructyons from your L the better to gide the Cawse, so ye will I procede in the same, being told by william Barthlett that the Bishop wayes nott ani thyng the Cowncell may do, & towching the lres saies he, that be intercepted from Charlles, their Contentes ar so hydden from them by Ciphres & other conveyance, as they ar brought to a gretter mase, than ani way satisfyed by them, Butt he hath entred to a leage with me, promiseng mowntaynes, so I stand frindly in this behalf, well assured he saith, of mi good will towards hym, & of mi willingnes to ani that be distressed wheruppon he had iij reqwestes [ deleted: he sayd] to make [ deleted: unto me] th'one was to know by whose comandment of the Cowncell, or by how many, & whatt their names were that directed the warrant [ deleted: of] ^for^ Charles close imprisonment, & if it were possibell to gett the Copye of the sayd warrant: The second was, whither ani of mi Lord Cobhams men, or ani other were appointed ether secrettly or openly to observe suche as cam to inqwire for the sayd Charlles, & to describe how they proceded in it, & who they were by name; The third was, that the sayd Barthlett might repayre unto me, with messaiges from tyme to tyme, & to be the mowth bettwen Charlles & hym, which this way might be don clenly, & voyd of all suspicyon, desireng that I wold comfort hym, lest he were weke & tymerows, & that I wold convey unto hym att his next comyng som money sherts & suche other necessaryes as he wanted, (under which I suppose som secrett wrytengs or discovery of their mynds might be conteined, wherunto with grett circumstance [ deleted: & promis of his side of fidelity] I consented mary so incresing the difficultyes & dangers herin, as if solempne fayth & secrecye were nott used of their side, I were undon for ever, which he confirmed with suche reverens & assurance as that it shold turne beside to the best gayne that ever I had, wherunto repplyeng that I most use grett warynes & policye in this beginneng, so might I nott staye long in talke with Charlles, butt that uppon mi [fol. 176v] perill, I wold convey [ deleted: a] paper & inck unto hym, wherby he might the better declare his mynde, & I reppaire the lesse unto hym, which with grett thanckes he liked, shewing that he cowd Cipher his menyng unknowen to ani butt to the Bishop hymself, & so departing, he wilbe thys mornyng agayn with me [I] therfore wold know of your L. whatt to answer to hym in every parte, & whatt to minister beside. Off thother side I have bin allredy twise att a [ deleted: secr] secrett hole with Charlles, som tymes aproching & somtymes starting aside, as on in grett fere to be surprised [ deleted: there] , hasarding mi life as it were for his comfort & ayd, & yett adding suche cawses of suche dread to hym (for that he is ferefull beyond mesure) as may work hym the more, [ deleted: which hath] to ani purpose intended, I further have shew [n] hym the trust comitted to me by william Barthlett, which hath won hym marvaylously, [ deleted: telling hy] promiseng hym paper & incke to utter his mynde, bu [tt] he wold have som of his fellowes wryte first, wherunto I sayd that tyme most work that, butt in hym, for that I cowd nott tary ani longe talke for the danger which was grett, he most use tyme & occasion, as they we [re] presented to hym, a felicity that hapned seldom to men in his Case, wherwith he was contented [ deleted: muche] , perswading me to leve this vile & effeminate state, & I shold have beyond the seas ether in france, spaigne, or flanders, whatt degre I cowd wishe, requesting the lone of som frenche booke [ deleted: of me] , which I promised, butt I have non here butt the psalmes & service of the refformed religion, & that may brede mi discredite with hym, if it might plese your L. therfore bi this berer to send me som story or prayer that may serve the torne, which shalbe reserved for you agayn [ deleted: Thus] & that your L. wold remember to say somwhatt to mi former lre. so humbly taking mi leve, as your living servant to the dethe. att the marshallsea the xviij ^th^ of Aprill. 1571 in all hast. your L. verey humbly W Herlleli

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