
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/005

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Cotton Caligula C III f. 174r - 175v. William Herle to Lord Burghley. 
Address Leaf:
[Superscription:] To the right honorable mi good Lorde the Lord of Burghley, her Majesties Principall secretorye give these
[Endorsement by unknown hand:] Wiliam Herle the irishe priest the frenche scholmaster.
Letter Text:
[fol.174r]1571 [1] 0 Aprill I have bin mi Lord to speke with the Frenche skolemaster, who hath declared unto me of a certayne iiij ^th^ frind, that the Irisheman hath, beside the iij Ambassadors, who by all likelihood is som grett partye, & therfore ^I^ durst not be to Curyows in enqwireng of his name, butt on Thursday I shall know all, promiseng that all his frinds shall joyne in on, bothe towards his releeff & towards his delivery sending by me certayn paper, pen & inck horne, waxe & seling threde so as now if I had a masse booke & certain furniture for the same, I shold wyn hym throwly. Again if your L. wold help me with som receytt for hym to wryte by som juyce to cover his secretts the more, I dowtt nott butt ani hydden practis or entent of his wold easely be discoverd at full, who makes this accompte that it canot be ani [ deleted: rebe] rebellion ether in Irishe or englisshe man, to intend the destructyon of an usurper, an excomunicated person, or suche a on as the Pope hath given awaye her kingdomes allredy, namely Ireland to the King of Spayne, wherby all those that favor religion in his Contrey, ar throwly perswaded to owe no dutye nor allegiance to the Q. Majestie. but rather ar bownd to roote her owtt & her posteritye for ever. I enqwired in his name [ deleted: whither] of the frenche skolemaster whither the Bishop of Rosse departed also with this skottishe Lords: which shold happen verey displeasantly ^I sayd^ to malachias, he being his cheef pillar & hope sondry wayes, & if he departed, whatt the Cawse shold be: & whatt comfort there remayned to those good thyngs he had in hand; wherunto he answerd that the Bishop only went to the Qwene his mistres, with the Lords of Galloway & Leviston & was to retorne agayn withowt dowtt, with good assurance that all things shold succede well, mening to Comend this his care to the Bishop of Rosse before his departure & then with som hevye pawse he declared that a certain Castell in scottland was surprised in the night & mani worthy personaigs in the same, butt that the newes were com prively to the B. of Rosse, that it was taken agayn, & that the other parte shold not enjoye long this scope & grettnes that they had, Now I entertayne still [fol. 174v]that hope of his escape hence, [ deleted: & according as your L with] which makes hym lyve in grett assurance, & according as your L willed me, I have told hym that I have bin in hand with som well disposed Catholickes mi secrett frinds, who will bestowe their devotyon uppon hym, which as I have fed hym from daye to daye with the hope therof, so were it well [done] that your L. wold send me presently a 30. or 40s to give hym in that be half, which he wold certeffye the skolemaster straight of, & so shold I Insinuate mi self the deper into their secretts, as allredy I have given hym a gowne & bowght hym ashert, which cost [ deleted: hym] 5s for he is utterlye owtt of money, sayeng that those which toke hym in the ship robbed hym of all he had, And with all I most humbly entreatt your L. for that mi state is nott only bare, butt extreme, bothe withowt garments & owing a 15li in the howse, to have a consideratyon to me, whose good will doth nott fere a M dethes, for his Soveraignes servise & in this x dayes it hath cost me 4 or 5 s a daye with mi keper & otherwise in going abowtt this busines, & now can borowe no more, which I comend to your L. goodnes, whom God preserve for ever having bin twise to seke josepho at Acerbo [ deleted: vittell] velutellis howse, & mene thys daye to go again, assuring your honor of on thing, that if bettwen this & Thursday we canot gett large discovery of th'embassadors delings herin, I have thought of a waye, which [if] your L. will allowe, that the partye shall make sute to your L. to be hard, & in using hym gently, to have all things reveled by his own mowth, wherin & in the rest, I beseche your L. of som present [answer] & where I wrytt to yow ones that R huddilstone might be brought in as a wyttnes, I thinck the same might rayse som gelousye to the partye unles he shew a certayn simplicitye, as though he understo [d] nomo tongs but englishe, which it may plese your L. to resolve me in, Lastly there is grett matter to be Ciffted owtt of the ij [fol. 175r] Irishe students, which having som ayd of money to follow the busynes, I wold decipher to mi uttermost power, thus expectyng to know whatt your L. wold Comande me beside, I humbly take mi leve. Att the marshallsea the x ^th^ of Aprill 1571 Raptim./ your L. porest well wisher./ W Herlleli

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