
Transcript ID: HRL/002/HTML/002

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Editorial comments:
BL MS Additional 15891 f. 112r. William Herle to Sir Christopher Hatton. This scribal letter has been annotated by a hand using different ink, possibly a later addition. The same hand as annotated many of the scribal letters in this volume. 
Letter Text:
[fol. 112r] 1583

Right honorable, may it please yow to understande, that yesternight uppon my returne to wynchester house, I founde the Count Palatine ^lascky^ absent, who in the mornynge before, was privatly gone to master dees, to recreate hymselfe with the sighte of his [ deleted: librarie] ^library^ , [ Marginalia (by unknown hand): the Count Palatyne Laschy, gon to recreate hym self with the syght of Doctor Dees lybrary at Mourclack ] so as it was past x of the clock, before hee cam back to his house: And I beeing carefull this daye, howe to breake wth hym discreetly, for the understandinge, what course hee woulde ^holde^ in his jorneys, master Athye came oportunely with a message from her Majestie aboute the same, towchinge the which, hee is determyned to morrowe, to advertise my L: of Leycester, of his wholle intentione, takinge her Majesties gratious care, had of hym, in very kynde parte, butt with all, hee knowes of noo parliament, he sayeth, to be houlden shortely in Polande, neither concernes ^it^ him muche, in busynes or dewtie, whether any behoulden or no, before his owne pretended returne, which I thought my part, to certifie your honor of, reserving somewhat to imparte with you herein, by mouthe, at my next attendance on [ deleted: your honor] yow. In the meane tyme, I doo very humbly praye your honor, to joyne with you Master Secreatary, and some other of the Counsell (yf you think good) for the staye of the outlawrie in Oxfordshire, that will otherwise be ^pronounced^ on Tewsday next, against my kynsman John Hearle, [ Marginalia (by unknown hand): a stay of the outlawry of John Hearle] :his fact, not greate, butt the harme, and stayne muche, yf yoUr honor, of espetiall goodnes doo not vouchesafe to assyst hym, at this pinche: you shall fynde the man, to have valuable partes in hym, which he shall employe from henceforth, in service of her Majestie, and in all thanckfull dewtie, to acknowledge his preservatione to proceede from your only meane: and me, your honor, shall bynde ( ^in^ the regarde I have, of the partie and of my name) as for a benefitt meerlie bestowed uppon my self: I would have wayted on you, to daye, butt that I was constrayned to take phisicke, butt by this bearer, my servant, I recommende the cause and my self, to your honorable consideratione, and dispatche: for it requyreth speede, as your wysdome seethe, meanyng to send one downe in poste with the lre procured towching the premisses. herewith fynisshinge, I crave most humbly pardone, for this bould presumptione of myne, grounded uppon the favor that I hoope you beare me. And so the Almightie God have you ever in ^tritione^ [ deleted: Tritione] the xixth of may from my lodging 1583/ Your honors ever to comande W. Hearle.

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