Boyle WorkdiariesWorkdiary 9Page 1 of 12
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Mr Smart's Tinctura {antimony}[altered from '{copper}']. {Recipe} Ant. q. v. & halfe it's weight of Nitre purify'd: with a red-hot Iron fire them, & when they have done puffing; put them into a good Crucible, & let that stand in a good heat till the Matter grow greene; then remove the {crucible} & let it coole a while; but before the matter be quite cold or can attract the Aire, powder it; & poure on it rectify'd {spirit of wine}; & in a gentle heat for a Day or 2 digest it till it be tincted like a Ruby.

[Integral marginalia:]
q (margin, next to 'weight of both of Nitre')

{Recipe} Talc one part, Beat it with a little more then it's owne weight of smal-cole, & twice the weight of both of Nitre; & <as many>[replacing 'the'] whites of egs as will empast the Talc & Cole.

Mr Worsly against Cornes. {Recipe} Balsam Sulph. {ounce} i. Mastich 2 ounces & 3 quarters.

{Recipe} Arsenicke & crude Tartar ana, Misce: of this Mixture & any Mettall {Recipe} equall parts; melt them well in a strong Crucible & habebis Marchasitam. But whither the Reducing Powder or the Mettall be to be uppermost, nondum liquet.

{Recipe} Sublim. grosly beaten about 2 parts; metalli Laminati, one part; put the Mettall carefully upon the Subl. in a good retort. Some of the Subl. will come over in running {mercury}; the rest will sublime in formâ siccâ; the mettall will remaine in the Bottom instar fere ceræ. Of this Mettall {Recipe} one part, terræ (as I remember) figulinæ['f' altered from '3'] 3 parts, pelle per retortam, & ex Venere habebis liquorem viridem, out of which with Sp. Urinæ['næ inserted'] may be precipitated a Greene Sulphur; (to be edulcorated &c)

[Integral marginalia:]
q (margin, next to 'with this Powder acuate')

{Recipe} {antimony} one part, Nitre 2 parts, calcine them ad Albedinem; by frequent affusions of warme water edulcorate away the Nitre; with this Powder acuate S. T. by keeping them for an houre (or thereabouts,) in a good crucible in a good heat, yet not strong enough to make them flow; & then separating the T. S.

{Recipe} {antimony} part i. Nitri part 3. make of them a very white calx, from which draw off the Prima Medietas (Phlegme & all) that comes over in the Distillation of your vinegar.