Boyle WorkdiariesWorkdiary 39Page 2 of 2
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<the>[replacing 'If for Instance the'] Countryes propos'd <being for Instance>[replacing 'were'] England & Ireland If [ 'too' deleted] <you>[replacing 'would take'] take['a' altered from 'oo'] a map of a moderate size, containeing as many do the [ 'del' deleted] Geographicall Deliniations of both these Countrys, [ 'and with' deleted] upon as even & uniforme a Paper as you can make choice, of & with sharp pair of Sisers follow <close> the outlines or Boundaries of each of those Countries, how crooked soever those lines happen to bee, clipping off & laying aside, whatever parts of the paper are not comprehended within [ 'those' deleted] those bounding lines, & if when this <is> done you lay each of [ '&' deleted] these thus prepar'd [space of 6-7 characters] Maps in a good Ballance one after another, you will not[altered in composition] only quickly perceive <by the preponderancy> which [ 'Country' deleted] <of the two Countrys> is of greater extent, but by compareing their respective weights you[altered from 'one'] may make at least a Tollerable Estimate <of the proportion> wherein['w' altered from 's'] one exceeds the other[altered from 'another'] in extent. And tho I readily acknowledge that this way of measureing Countries is not accurate yet since [ 'tis difficult to find one find & practice one that is so' deleted] if it come but pretty near the Truth, it [ 'need' deleted] may not be useless on an occation, on [ 'Geographers have not that I know of taught us' deleted] which tis difficult to find and practice a method that is exact.

[Retrospective marginalia:]

In the Adiaphorous mixture to a Couple of Ounces of Salt of Tartar and as much volatile Salt mingled together we imployd about seven ounces and about an halfe to satiate them seemingly in the Cold. But upon the Destillation of this mixture the ascention of some volatile salt and the urinous tast of the first spoonfuls of Liquor that came over, argued that there had not been Spirit enough put to the salt.

[Retrospective marginalia:]

Upon an Ounce of Salt of Tartar we put by degrees spirit of Venus till the Salt was dissolv'd & there was no more conflict between them & found that {ounce} iii of the spirit -- {drachm} i{half} -- 12 gr did dissolve & satiate the ounce of the Salt.

[Retrospective marginalia:]

An ounce of the volatile Salt of Sal armoniac did take of the Spirit of Verdigreece to dissolve it {ounce} iiii -- {drachm} iii -- 44 graines.