Reference: TNA, SP 103/35/115 fol.291r-292v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1389/008
Date: 17 August 1595
Copy of: 0486
Copie of my lettre to my L. Tresurer 17 August 95. I had my audience with the States the 14 of this present: where I presented unto them her Majesties lettres, and added so muche more, as I had eyther in charge, by vertue of my instructions, or was otherwise enjoyned from her Majestie by worde: whereupon they required to have my speeches in writing, which I exhibited the next day after, and sende heere inclosed the copie to your L. Other answear I had none more then they give commonly at the first proposal of a matter. That they would take advise upon it: which yet they uttered unto me, with signification of their griefe, that her Highnes would proceede so directly against her Treaty, and that in suche a season, as if their state were throughly sifted, it would be found in greater danger then it was at the time of the making of the Contract. They have mette very often about the matter, and yesterday after noone, because I pressed them hard to know to what effect I should write to her Majestie, the deputed one to tell me, that I must needes have the patience to attende a little longer, for that they had not yet concluded what answere they might make, but founde it every way a matter full of infinit danger, if they should not proceede with very great circumspection, for which they were agreed to imparte it out of hand to Co. Maurice and to Co. William and to the Councell of Estate, which are together at the Campe, to the ende with their advise they might determine for the best. As farre as I can conjecture, they are fully bent to satisfie her Majestie in sending to the Provinces: but I can not yet parceave in what sorte they are inclyned, to propose the matter to the Provinces. For if they doe it effectually, by imparting their advise, and by parsuading with the people to assent to a certaine summe, either that which I have signifyed, or that they shall sette downe, I may happily have an answear with some expedition. But if they will not de- termine to give direction to the Provinces (as I finde them that way very backward) but shall barely make request to know fol.291v
their resolution, upon her Majesties lettres and my propositions, such a general kinde of writing will occasion great variety in returne of their aunswears, which are of force to be reduced by often sending too and fro, to a full accord all in o[[ne]] because they goe not in such cases by plurality of voices, and then what time it will requere, your L. will conjecture. I will therfore endevor by all the meanes I can devise, to drawe the[m] heere before hande, to agree upon a portion with her Highnes acceptation and to move the generality to condescend thereunto. I have publickly proposed, as her Majestie willed, a hundred thousand poun[[ds]] but they shew so little token of hearkening unto it, as I must growe to other termes in my privat communication, or els expec[t] to be denyed. For to informe you roundly what I finde, wit[h] humble suite to your L. to make it knowen unto her Majestie, I see [the] chiefest among them full of silence and sadnesse, for the trouble[s] and disconfortes, which they declare to come by heapes upon the people of this contrey, and to minister much matter of discouragemen[t] and danger. They alleage in dealing with me their losses in winter, by the great inondations, whereof a great contry complaine[[.]] continually, the contentions of the Provinces about their contribution[s] which are not yet appeased, the consumption of their troupes which th[ey] sent to the D. of Bouillon, the foiles they had at Huy and at divers times since in small encounters with the Enemy, the dangerous consequence of the overthrowes in France, their ill successe a[t] Grolle, and the generall puissance of the Enemy, both heere and [in] France, having presently a foote 4 several armies, in Brittan[ie,] Burgundie, Cambresie, and heere. To this they adde the[ir] soddaine want, that is noted of all men, of zele in Religion of the people of this contrey, their excessive domages that they sustayned by the stays made of late of their marchants shippes by Dunkerkers, who are sayd within these two monethes to have taken at the least a 100 shippes of this contrey, and not so little as the value of 150000li sterlinges. They also put into the reckning the continuall detriments which they receave by English fol.292r
seamen, and the small assurance that they have to hold her Majesties forces, either those that her Highnes or the contrey entertayneth, but are most of all moved with this message of myne for restitution of her monies: in so much as they affirme, that if there come not in somewhat some amendment of their estate, to keepe the people from dispayre (whereof they doe protest their hope is very slender) they are very much in doubte of some soddaine alteration, which is also feared will beginne among the mariners and seamen, that as they were the chiefest in delivering the contrey from the bondage of the Enemy, so they doubt that now againe they will be readiest to revolte, if their trafficque be impeached, which the Spaniard out of question will omitte no practise to effect.