Letter ID: 0486
Reference: TNA, SP 84/51/95 f.95r-98v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0486/008
Date: 17 August 1595
Note: The final part of the subscription on fol.97v is written perpendicular in the left hand margin.
Copies: 0713 1389 



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.


Endorsed: 17 August 1595. Master Bodley to my L. From the Haghe. With a Copie of his Proposicion to The'states. Rec at Nonesuch the xxvjth of the same.

Later Addition: Holland 1595 August 17.



Later Addition: 14 August 1595 Master Bodeleys letter to my L.

May it please your good L. I had my audience with the states, the 14 of this present: where I presented unto them her Majesties lettres, and added so muche [In margin: 14 August]
more, as I had ether in charge, by vertue of my Instructions, or was otherwise enjoined from her Majestie by worde: wherupon they required to have my speeches in writing, which I exhibited the next day after, and send heere inclosed the copie to your L. Other answear I had none, more then commonly they give, at the first proposal of a mater, That they would take advise upon it: which yet they uttered unto me with signification of their grief, that her Highnes would proceede so di- rectly against her Treatie, and that in suche a season, as if their state were thoroughly sifted, it would be founde in greater danger, then it was at the time of the making of the Contract. They have mette very often about the mater, and yester afternoone, because I pressed them hard, to knowe to what effect I should write unto her Majestie they deputed one to tell me, that I must needes have the patience, to attend a litle longer: for that they had not yet concluded, what answear they might make, but founde it every way a mater full of infinit danger, if they should not proceede with very great circumspection: for which they were agreed, to impart it out of hand to Co. Maurice and Co. William, and to the Councel of Estate, which are together at the Campe, to the end, with their ad- vise, they might determine for the best. fol.95v
As farre as I can conjecture, they are all fully bent to satisfie her Majestie in sending to the Provinces, but I can not yet perceave, in what sort they are in- clined, to propose the mater to the Provinces. For if they doe it effectually, by imparting their ad- vise, and by persuading with the people, to assent to a certaine summe, ether that which I have signified, or that they shall sette downe, I may happely have an answear with some expedition. But if they will not determine, to give direction to the Provin- ces (as I finde them that way very backward) but shall barely make request, to knowe their reso- lution upon her Majesties lettres, and my propositions, suche a general kinde of writing will occasion great va- rietie in returne of their answears, which are of force to be reduced, by often sending too and fro, to a full accorde of all in one (because they goe not in suche cases by pluralitie of voices) and then what time it will require, your L. will con- jecture. I will therfore endevor, by all the meanes I can devise, to drawe them heere before hand, to agree upon a portion worth her Highnes acceptation, and to move the generallitie to condescend therunto. I have publickly proposed, as her Majestie willed, a hundred thousand poundes, but they shewe so litle token of hearkning unto it, as I must growe to other termes in my privat communication, or els expect to be denied. For to informe yow roundly what I finde, with humble suite unto your L. to make it knowen unto her Majestie I see the chiefest heere among them full of silence and sadnesse, for fol.96r
the troubles and discomfortes, which they declare to come by heapes upon the people of this contrey, and to minister muche mater of discouragement and danger. They alleage in dealing with me, their losses in winter, by the great inundations, wherof a great contrey com- plaineth continually; the contention of the Provinces, about their contributions, which are not yet appeared; the consumption of their troupes, which they sent to the D. of Bouillon; the foiles they had at Huy, and at divers times sins, in smalle encounters with the Ene- mie; the dangerous conseqence of the overthrowes in France; their ill successe at Grolle, and the generaal puissance of the Enemie both heere, and in France, having presently a foote fower several armies, in Bri- tanie, Burgundie, Cambresie and heere. To this they adde the soddaine want, that is noted of all men, of Zele in religion, in the people of this contrey; their excessive dommages sustained by the staies made of late of their shipping in Spaine; the spoiles that have bin done upon their marchants shippes by Dunkerkers, who are saied with in these 2 monethes to have taken at the lest a 100 shippes of this contrey, and not so a litle as the value of a 150000li sterling. They also put unto the reckning the continual detri- ment, which they receave by Englishe sea men; and the smalle assurance that they have, to hold her Majesties forces, ether those that her Highnes or the contrey intertaineth, but are most of all moved with this message of mine for restitution of her monies: in so muche as they affirme, that if there come not in somwhat some amendement fol.96v
of their state, to keepe the people from despaire (wherof they doe protest, that their hope is very slender) they are very muche in doubt of some soddaine alteration: which is also feared will beginne among the mariner and sea men: that as they were the chiefest in deli- vering the contrey from the bondage of the Enemie, so they doubt that nowe againe they will be readiest to revolt, if their trafficque be impeached, which the spaniard, out of qestion, will omitte no practise to effect. And very nowe heere is newes from St Lucar in Spaine, that the K. hath prohibited by publicke Edict, the paiment of any debt to any person of these Pro- vinces, which is supposed will extend to the undoing heere of many. There was a lettre intercepted about this time twelve moneth, written by one Fri- derj Spinder (as it seemeth a seaman) to Yvarra, at Bruxelles; by whome a question had bin moved about the use of galleys upon the coast of Flanders, for cutting of the trafficque of Holland and Zeland, because I am not certaine, that your L. hath seene it, and we heare that the Enemie is busie againe about it, I have sent yow a transcript of it. It was written in ciphers, and deciphred by Monsieur St Al- degonde. Upon the siege of Cambray by the Co. de Fuentes, there goeth already a great feare among some, that it will be caried er be long. For Monsieur Balignj, they say, is very ill beloved both of the bourghers and souldiers, who are doubted to be no more then seven or eight hundred, wheras the towne doth require 3000 at the lest, to make good resistance, fol.97r
with a great deale greater stoare of warlicke pro- vision, then is there to be founde, by all report. It is also comonly spoken, that if La Motte had lived de Fuentes first intention was to goe in hand with Calais: in so muche as those of Zeland upon reqest of the governor, were determined to send thither 6 or 7 companies, having sent already upon the bruite a cer- taintie quantitie of powder. There is a general conceat among the wisest of these contreis, considering howe de Fuentes is both governor by provision, and Financier, whereby he hath autoritie to undertake what he list, and the meanes in his handes to per- fourme his designes, which was nether graunted to Er- nestus, nor to the D. of Parma: considering also his sufficiencie, for the managing of his buisnesse, and his victories of late, in the most of his attemptes: and that the King hath no occasion, to be so jalouse of his doinges, as it seemed he was ever of the D. of Parma before: that the comming of the Cardinal will be staied for all together, and an absolut comission conferred on the Count. Co. Maurice with his Campe is said to be about Bislike a place adjoi- ning unto Wesel in the land of Cleve, and the Enemie neere unto him, within two houres marche: but heere is nothing reported of any thing lately done, of one side or other. The states are very willing, that the Co. should returne, and put his people in garrison, for that they finde it a heavy charge, to continue him there: but doubting lest the Enemie, who is saied to be strong 5000 foote and 1500 horse, should repaire to de Fuentes at the siege of Cambray, they stand fol.97v
doubtfull what to doe. Having seene certaine copies of intercepted lettres, which Master Gilpin of late hath sent unto your L. by a clause in a lettre of W[illiam] Creichton, That a certaine Englishe man shoul[d be] taken in the Northpartes of England, with one David Lawe a Scottishe priest, I calle to minde what was writ- ten to Tyrius at Rome, by the self same Creichton i[n] a former lettre intercepted, which I sent unto your L. at my last being heere, to witte, that he had sent a man with David Lawe, who had undertaken to effect by way of persuasion, some special mater in 429. which I ghesse to be Scotia, as me thinkes it is also mani- fest that 428 is Anglus, and 427 Anglia, and perhaps some man els could aime at the rest, contai- ning somwhat, in my opinion, of very good mome[nt]. Which may perhaps be discovered by the examination of Williamson, who I learne was the man that was taken with Lawe, and is meant as I thinke, in the lettre of Creichton. Though your L. may have noted this mater before, yet I thought it not impertinent to remember yow of it, and to send yow the copie of that part of the lettre, which toucheth that mater. I sawe a lettre right nowe from Morlaix in Britaine, that all a long the cost between that and Brest, the Spaniard is busied in making of fortes, so as if he may be suffered for two monethes together, it will be found very hard to chase him away. Though your L. wantes no meanes, to knowe those occurrences, yet the lettre being freshe, and comming so fitly, at the writing hereof. I thought to touche it in a worde. Heere is also notice at this instant, that the mutined Italians are like to come to composition: which will adde a great strength to the Enemies forces. And thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. 17 August 95. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
