Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D XI f.222r-223v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1274/008
Date: December 1595
Copy of: 0484
It is expressed in her Majesties lettre to the States, and also sette downe in my Instructions, That if they shall not con- descend to some present satisfaction, her Highnes is resol- ved to calle away her forces. This may seeme in my opinion, to implie a purpose in her Majestie to continue her forces there, if soe be they doe agree to give her good contentment./ It may please your H. in this point, to understand of her Majestie what aunswear I shall make, if they put me to that question, or whether it be her meaning, that I should hold them in suspence, pretending that I knowe not howe her Highnes is affected.
Moreover it may be gathered by the forme of those speeches, that the revocation of her subjects, and an open protestation against their ingratitude, is all the course of proceeding resolved against them, in case of their refusall: which to signifie my conceat, is no sufficient terror: for that I thincke there are not many, that wilbe very much moved with the want of her forces, if they might be so excused for the payment of their debt. And therfore for my part, if her Majestie can lyke it, I would signifie thus muche more, That they will force her in the ende to take some other kinde of course, then is either agreable to her princely disposition, or to the singular affection which she hath evermore boren to the good of those Contreis. This kinde, or the lyke, of threatning insinuation, will putt them somewhat in a muse, what may be more intended, and drawe them happely the sooner to a good resolution.
Whereas her Highnes doth permitte, that if by diligent inspection into their condition, I finde the Provinces unable to grant the full demaunde of a hundred thousand poundes, I shall give a secret hope, so that they will make her a convenient offer, (albeyt I have no warrant to accept a lesser portion), that I will second them therein with my lettres to her Majestie. fol.222v
Howe farre they wilbe moved with my promes[se in] that case, whose credit with her Highnes they [knowe] to be not better, then her late displeasure tow[ardes] me, and the lettres which I carie discover app[arantly] I leave to your H. to consider. Forwhere her [Majestie] doth not shewe, that she respecteth her Mini[ster, it] can never be expected, that others in other Con[treis] will either imagine it of themselves, or hope [to speede] of their purpose, by the meanes of his endev[ors.] It may also please you to informe me of her [Majesties] pleasure, whether I shall presse them precis[sely, to] come to an audit of the accounts, and not [hearken] to any offer of other composition, wheron p[erhaps] they would deliberat, if they thought it w[ould be] embraced; not for any disadvantage, that [they] thincke they shall receave, by coming to a [reckning] but as I have heard say among them, to sh[unne the] occasions of contention, and further incon[venience,] For by all probabilitie they will stand very [stiffly] upon many defalcations, as by some notes [that I] have made, and exhibited by writing unt[o my] L. Tresurer, it may appeere very plainely.
Moreover I am assured, that they will ne[ver send] their Deputies so sufficiently autorised, [as that] it shalbe left unto them, to compounde [every] difference that may rise upon the account [but] still they must be forced, to send home un[to their] Provinces, which will undoubtedly prove a [very long] peece of worke, and turne her Majestie in [many] thinges to more prejudice then profit.
It may also steede me in my service, to kn[owe to] what summe their whole debt doth amount, [by her] Majesties bookes, to the ende I may thereafter fr[ame my] answear to their offers, and other communica[tions.]
And if in any other mater I shall neede yo[ur] decision, I will request it by worde at my re[paire] unto your H.