Letter ID: 1272
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D XI f.220r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1272/008
Date: 15 December 1595
Note: On fol.220v, at the words 'Her Majestie wroate', a different scribe takes over. This section is not present in the copies.
Copy of: 0496


Master Bodley: Her Majestie hath ben acquainted with your dispatch of the xxvjth of Novembre; wherin thoughe shee doth fynde howe acceptable it is to Thestates, that shee suspendeth her demaundes: yet can she not remaine satisfied her selfe with this manner of thir proceeding, wherin the worlde must needes perceave That their respect to her present occasions is farre short of hers towardes them in the tymes of their greatest necessities. And therfore althoughe her Majestie is pleased, That yow doe lett them knowe, that shee (out of her love to their estate) is not disposed nowe to Contest with them, but will forbeare to doe any thing, which might serve for cullour of any disordre or Confusion to aryse amongst them at this Tyme, when there are so many devises used to gaine the Populer with fraudulent offere of Peace; yet would shee have yow let them knowe That this their colde proceeding with her, must needes leave coldnesse in her disposicion, or alyenacion from them, whose good she hath preferred before so many particuler Consideracions of her owne. And therfore, for the matter of shipping, of which in their owne lettres presented by Master Caron they make promyse; yow must let them knowe, That her Majestie lookes assuredly for the performance, as a thing wherof in no wise they must make default, because it will breed great confusion in her Majesties owne Preparacions: But for the sending of their deputies shee would have them playnelie tolde, That except their meaning be at the tyme of their comming (beside their formallytie of thancksgivinge) to make her Majestie some such overture of present satisfaccion, as may stand with her honor to receave, wherin her Mayestie wilbe content to admytt the Consideracion of the circumstances, which in reasone they can alleage for not performance of the former Proportion of her demaundes, shee shall rather take their publycke comming as a multiplicacion of further scorne, then any kind of honorable satisfaccion And therfore she is pleased yow shall returne to the generall bodye of Thestates, this aunswere formerly sett downe: But forasmuchas none can better deale inwardly, and pryvately with Monsieur Barnevill then yowr selfe, Her Majestie would have yow intymate unto him, That howesoever her Mayestie may be content externallie to digest this manner fol.220v
of dealing for the tyme, because the Common Enemy shal[l not make] his particular advantage of any drynesse betwene the Q[ueene and] them; yet can it not but worke some Impression of unkyndn[ess in her] Majesties princely brest, which wyll beake out at one tyme or o[ther, and] therfore to advyse him, as a good Patryott to them, and a [wellwiller] to the Common cause, to worke them to some better fashion: [whom yow] may assure That if they shall come over presently with p[ower to] offer as good a Project at the least, or a better if it m[ay be,] then that which he delivered yow at your last Returne, That [in suche] case both shee will particulerly have sence of his good affec[tion and] can be contented that they shall send their deputies, who[m shee will] favourably receave as messenger from her fryndes, and ne[ighbours,] at which tyme yow may ether Returne in their company or som[e fewe] dayes before them, as yow see cause. Her mayestie hath in this [forme given] lyke aunswere to their Agent, who I doubt not will cleare[ly and] particulerly Relate the same. Her Majestie wroate of late hir lettres both to the States g[eneral and] to the States of Zeland uppon the ernest request of Sir [Robert] Sidneie, that theie would give order to furnishe the [garrison] of Flusshinge with powder and repaire their owne M[agazine] [.] [.], as by spetiall Article in the Contrac[t .] [.] [.] whearein whither Sir Robert Sidneie [.] delt with yowe to further his suite, I doe not knowe [.] I wishe that yowe would inquire of the deliverye of th[.] and to use all the meanes yowe can to have the same [.] speedelie satisfied, for that in trewthe hir Majestie hath [.] thowght that hir masse of powder that was laid theare [.] showld have been expended by the garrison, but semeth [.] with Master Sidneie, for expendinge of the same, withowt [.] to be made by the States: and hearein Sir Robert Sidneie [.] thinke himself much beholdinge to yowe, if yowe can [.] the states to satisfie his request. My sicknes of late tyme, hath bene the cause that I have not w[ritten to] yow, as I was accustomed nor yet to Master Gylpyn, wher[by I] pray yow to tak the same for a just excuse. From the Cowrt at Rychmont xv xbr 1595. Your assured loving frend William Burghely