Letter ID: 1263
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D XI f.185r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1263/008
Date: 24 September 1595
Note: On fol.185r there is the signature 'Gg', written once in ink, and overlined in pencil.
Copies: 0719 


Sir. In my Coming hitherward to the Court uppon munday laste I receaved your lettres dated at the Haghe the 11th of this moneth which after I had read and parused my L. of Essex sent to me your later lettres with a spanishe misticall conceipte in frenche tending to perswade a peace or at leaste a surceance, or a truce, which I perceave yow required my L. to Communicate unto me as he did, wherupppon yesterdaye I acquainted hir Majestie both your lettres and the french project which hir Majestie read her self, and uppon some de- bating of the principall mater Comitted to your charge to which as yett yow had received no answer from the States by reason of the absence of the Counsell of estate being at the Campe: hir Majestie herewith semed to be still miscon- tented, in that yow had not pressed to receive an answer, accor- ding to the charge given yow, But therin it was apparant the fault not to be in yow, and yett hir Majestie Contynewing still hir earnest purpose to have an answer (without being satisfied with the cause of the delaye) hath Commanded me to ex write expresslie to yow in hir name to presse the States to give hir Majestie a resolute answer to hir demande and in no wise to send any parsons hither as yow conceive they mynd to do, to give hir Majestie answer with pretence to renewe the Treatye, which hir Majestie myndeth no waye to do; And in this sort hir pleisure is yow shall pro- cede without receyving any dilatory answer from them and the same to send, without retorning your self until hir further dyrection. The French writing can not be intended to be notified either to the states there or to us, or toe France for that the verie scope of it is as I do marke it in sondry places to abuse us all ther with a matter of Truce, or Surseance, imagininge fol.185v
first to separate us asunder, and then to ch[asten] some and bridle others. At the tyme of the wr[iting] hereof I was advartised from Calais of 2 Compan[ies] of Hollanders, Conteyning only 200 that Came upp[on] sattardaye laste thither, and for other good newes /it is bruted/ [that the] garrison of Ard, and the Countrie thereaboutes m[ade] a Roade into Flanders as farr as Betune, a[nd] brought from thence a great booty of sheape, a[nd] other Cattel, and 25 prisonners, wherof the w[orst was] woorth 500 Crownes. The govarnor also [of] Cambrayewith Monsieur Devickes govarnor of St D[enis] issued out of the Towne, and slewe 3000 men, [and] brought 4 peces of Cannon from the ennemye, [into the] Towne, Theise be the latest newes I have. [And] so having no other mattar at this present, I wish [you] to gett yow some suche answer as might satis[fie] her Majestie. And so I bidd yow hartely Farewell From the Court at Nonsuche the 24th of Sept 1[595]. Your loving Fr[iend] William Burghley