Reference: Hatfield, MS 25/18
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0693/008
Date: 05 February 1595
Copy of: 0466
fol.19vLater Addition: XVII. 13
Endorsed: Copie of my lettre unto my L. Tresurer
Later Addition: [.] [.] of Master Bodleys Letter
Maye it please your good L. to be advertised, that when I came to the Hage, the 27 of the laste, I founde the moste of the States awaye, beying all invited by the Co. of Hohenlo, to be at his mariage, with the Countesse of Buren, which was solemnised at Buren, a litle towne with a Castel appertening to the Countesse, between Culenbourgh and Tiel. I doo finde in lyke maner that the Provinces have not yeelded as yet to the Councels proposition, for the extraordi- narie contribution of this yeere, for which they have demaunded eight score thousand poundes sterling: which is seventie thousand more then was ever yet requyred, the laste yeere excepted. Howe it will be obtained it is very uncertaine: but yet all men are in hope, that it will be raised in the ende: albeit I am tould that my coming heere to soone, will rather hurt then helpe it forwarde. For I doe serve my selfe of dyvers reasons to drawe them on the paye their debtes, of which some will take hold to excuse their con- tributing: that if their grant had bin past before I had come hither, it had bin undoubtedly a farre fitter opportunitie. Yesterday morning I had my audience of the States, of whome I was heard in a full assemblie: but I had no other aunswear then they are wont to deliver in all suche affaires, That they will take some tyme to thinke upon it, requyring to have my proposition in wryting, whereof heereinclosed I send the Copie to your L: I will hasten their aunswear as much as I maye, and sollicit them the whyle to give her Majestie content. First by some good portion of mony in hande: secondly by some annuall payment till all be discharged: and lastly by abating a parte of her present expences. they are very muche troubled with this matter, and waxe so silent upon it, as I can not yet imagine what successe I shall have: but I am in good hope to learne out somwhat of their purpose; and to write it in my next. This day I am to deale with the Councel of Estate, to whome I will deliver her Majesties lettre and participat as muche as I proposed to the States: But Co. Maurice is in Gelderland, with whome I muste deale altogether by lettres, if I see any likelihood that he will stay in those quarters. fol.18v
Coronel Stuart is come hither from the Scottishe Kinge, and hath delivered his messsage: wherof all that I can learne, is that hee seeketh to renue the ancient amities and alliances between the two contries: and with all is a suitor to be assisted against his rebels at home: whether the Kings desire be for money or men, I shall not be able to signifie directly, till I have spoken with the coronel himself, or with some of the States, which I purpose with the soonest and will advertise accordingly.
The reporte that hath gone of the Germane Ambassadors, that should come to treat of peace, is still a foote in these Contreis. It is determined, they say, that of 12 speciall persons deputed therunto, there shall sixe repayre to Brussels, and sixe to this place, to witte, twoo from the Ecclesiasticall State, two from the Princes, and other twoe from the Townes: and that certaine Heraldes wearing their coates shall be sent before, to declare to the people in places where they passe, the ocasion of their coming. But I can not yet perceave, that they have yet resolved heere, what course they will take for admitting or stopping their comming though I see no inclination that they will enter into Treatie. Heere hath gone a speeche of late of 3 townes taken by the D. of Bouillon in the land of Luxembourgh Juois, La Frotte, and [Cheval] which lye upon a branche of the Mose: with all, it is said, that he hath defeated 11 Cornets of the Ennemies horse: but though the newes come hither about 6 dayes sins, it is no further yet confirmed.
About the same time we were also advertised, that the Castle of Huy a strong place in the land of Liege, lieng upon the Mose, neere to the Citie of Liege, is surprised by certaine souldiers of the States, which were presently seconded by dyvers other troupes: but howe they will speede, it is doubted very much, because the contrey there is populous, and full of gentlemen, which are very well pro- vided of warlicke furniture. But if they chaunce to hold the place considering that the D. of Bouillon is there at hand, with his armie, which are said together with the States forces to be 9000 foote, and 1500 horse, it will proove a very speciall annoyance to the Ennemies actions. It is held for certaine heere, that fol.19r
the Italians mutined have accorded with Ernestus, for which many men blame the states of these Contreis, that they cutte them not in peeces when it was in their power. It is written from Andwerpe, that Richardot, Assonville, and Vasseur, principall persons of the Spanish Councell at Brussels, are displaced by the King: but there are that doubt the certaintie.
They are greatly grieved heere, that they can not stand assured of these English troupes, which they entertaine, being hindred by it in making their designes, for not knowing what forces they may imploy in any enterprise. At my being in Middlebourgh I receaved a lettre from Sir Robert Cecill, with a second discourse of the Scottish affaires, wherof in as much as no other matter is yet offred unto me, to write to his Honor, I humblie beseech you to give him some intelligence. And so I take my humble leave./ From the Hage February 5.
Postscript: Heere is brute at this very instant, that both the Castle and towne of Huy, are in our possession: but withall it is said that of the nom- bers of our horse, which went to succor these places, as neede should requyre, being 7 or 8 Companies returning homeward, with their praye, which they say was very great, 3 or 4 Cornets in the advant- garde were cleane defeated, by an Embuscado of the Enemie, and the rest put to flight. Howe true it is I can not signifie, but it carieth a great likelihood, and it is reported very constantly./