Letter ID: 1375
Reference: BL, Harleian 287 fol. 216v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1375/008
Date: 7 July 1594
Copy of: 0040



Later Addition: My Lord Tresorere to Sir Thomas Bodley the 7 of July 1594

Sir I have acquainted hir Majestie with all suche letteres as I have receaved from yow who dothe allowe very well the Course of your proceedinges synce your departure and althoughe the occasyon of this letter hathe his dependansye uppon your formere instrucyones to Negotyat with the States for your some support towardes the actyone of Bryttanye whearin hir Majestie was Ingaged before your departure, yet for asmuche as some thing hathe passed synce that tyme, which is fyte for yow to knowe, I have thought good bothe to acquainte yow with the same and what hir Majesties pleasure is, yow should doe in regard thearof hir Majestie being advertysed of the strengthe of the Kyng of Spaynes forces in Brittany besydes the Conjunctyon of the leagers of that province, of his greate preparacion of Shippyng onely intended for the possesse Brestehaven, whear he hathe on the one syd of the haven bulte a forte whearin he spareth No Charge to proceede and fynding that without a great force, is to be used bothe by sea & lande, whearuppon hir Majestie sent expresely, Sir Roger Willyames unto the Frenche Kynge (after his Retorne latlye made from bre Breste) to acquainte him with the state of that place, and to let him knowe that hir Majestie parceaving the Immynent danger by the Lose of that havene, and forseeing howe lytle advauntage any other place in Bryttaynye wilbe, yf that be loste, did make to the kyng this propo- sytyone, that yf he wold Resolve, and send downe suche an Army by land of horse and Foote as beinge increased with suche forces as shee Coulde Convenyentely Spare myghte be able to mastere the Enemy in the feeld and lykely to Recovere that foarte, without the which small fruite will arise of the action taken in hand, that then shee wold send a Convenyent prop- orsyon of shippynge to impeache the fleete of the Kynge of Spayne and wold increase hir Nomberes, thear alredy one land in Convenyente pro- porsyon, To this the Kynge hathe made Answere that he will send the Duke Montpensier with two thousand foote and one thousand horse out of Normandy with the Additione of thos forces which be alredy in Brittany which aryse in his Accompt to three or 4 thousand foote more and with all some vjC horse with which Nomberes althoughe hir Majestie sees No reason to beleeve that any greate thinge Can be done, yet is she Resolved to enter into som Course howe to Obvyat this violent purpos, and Nowe resortyng to the Rememb- rance of many offers made by the states long synce to second hir Majestie for the service in Brittany in a very large proporsyon even as by many letteres of their owne it hath appeared with one halfe of whatsoever hir Majestie sholde imploy hir Majestie hathe partyculerly delte with monser Carone their agente even by hir owne mouthe speedely and seriously to move the states to put their helping hand, with asmuche foarce as they maye by sea, and with other helpes of munycon to serve to Recover the said forte, which motyon hir pleasure is yow shold recomende as amatter Newely Nowe agayne Revived to yow, & that yow doe acquainte the States that the Queenes Majestie dothe expecte presente answer to thes demaundes, which by their Agente she hathe also directed to be by him communycated to them and so I byd yow farwelle from the Courte at Grinwiche the7th of July 1594./ Your loving Frende W. Burgheley.

Postscript: Post script ut supra I have moved the Queenes Majestie earnestly for your Retorne but hir Majestie consyderinge ther uppon fyneshing of the matter of Grunyngen one waye or other thear will falle out some Negotyacon betweene hir & the States, hir Majestie is pleased that yow doe first procure some answer to theis hir Majesties proposytyones and after sygnefye your proceed- inge in all thinges, without returnyng untylle hir Majesties pleasure be furder knowne yow are to dealle with the States that with what Nombers of Shippynge & men and with what quantetye of munycon they will assyste this service of Bryttany that the same maye wthout delaye be put in Execusyon, for hir Majestie hathe alredy sente Sir John Norrys, with all his powere alredy by land to Breste and hathe also sent certen hir shipes of warre to discovere the state of Breste haven, & thearfore yf the states seariously mynd the good of this service by their ayde, the same will doe Noe good yf it shalbe delayed./.
