Reference: TNA, SP 84/49/58 f.58r-59v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0456/008
Date: 21 July 1594
Copies: 1377 1373 0052
fol.58vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good L. the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 21 Julie 1594 Master Bodley to my Lo:/ From the Haghe. Confesseth the recept the Recept of myn of the 7 the 19./
Later Addition: xxm ijm iiiic la iiijm vijcij las ixm vjc is iij last xixm ijc is vij last [two asterisks] x last xxiiijm iij is x
19200 4800 24000 x last xxmm iijc is xxm w is viij la [.]
Later Addition: 21 July 94
[In margin: 7 July]
May it please your good L. By your letter of the 7 which I receaved the 19 having had full intelligence, that her Majestie is determined, to goe forward with her purpose, for the rescue of Brest, and to have the assistance of the states re- quired thereunto, I moved them in it yesterday, and had their answear presently, which was to this effect, That they have signified already by their lettres to her Majestie, that they will streine their abilitie to the uttermost degree to second her designe, and whensoever they may knowe her finall resolution, they will presently arme their Navie. For they thinke it very necessarie, that they should be first made acquainted with the time to sette fourthe, the place of the Rendez vous, the numbers of her shippes, souldiers, munition, powder, and other provisions, with all the project of the service, to the end they may proceede, with a sounde deliberation, and provide themselves thereafter of every thing requisit. That otherwise if they should presently sette forwarde, it might befalle them at this time, as it would have done before, upon my first proposition, that in making speedely towardes Portesmouth or Plimmouth, as was required then of them, they should have made a fruitlesse voiage, and burdened the contrey with a needelesse charge for two or three monethes, so as nowe at this present, they should have wanted the meanes to yelde any succors. In which respect they are desirous to knowe of her Majestie her last determination, with every particular and necessarie circumstance, and that then for their portion, they will alwaies be as forward as can in reason be required. If I /had/ knowen those particular demaundes, which it seemeth by your lettres, her Majestie proposed to their Agent Master Caron, I might better have bin able to negotiat with them. For nowe I could but deale in certaine general termes, not knowing what mater, those demaundes might import. Heere is no reso- lution taken, for any further imploiment of their forces at home, the state seeming bent, to refreshe their souldiers for a while in their garrison townes, for which I will be earnest fol.57v
to gette those of her Majestie to be somwhat better fournish[ed.] They passed a promesse a great while sins to the Frenche K. that after Groeninghen was reduced, they would spare him 3000 footmen, and five hundred horse for the space of 3 monethes, to be commaunded by the D. /of/ Bourb[on] and imploied as he thought good, against the contreis [of] Artois, and Hennawlt, or any other place, to the annoia[nce] of the Enemie. This promesse being made, I suppose th[ey] will perfourme, if the Duke be ready for it, and hath c[[ast]] his plotte to good effect: wherunto, as it seemeth, they [[.]] tend to knowe his answear. Their Deputies [for] Scotland, are upon their departure, whose present at the Christninge is two standing cuppes of pure gold, amoun[ting] to the value of 1200li sterling and a certaine patent fro[m] the Provinces, inclosed also in a boxe of gold, contain[ing] the graunt of an annual pension of 500li during the li[fe] of the yonge Prince, to be enjoied by himself, or bestowe[d] on any other. But this they are unwilling to have publik[ly] knowen. Having no other mater I take my humble [leave] From the Hage July 21 1594. Your L. most humble at commaundement Tho. Bodley.