Letter ID: 0023
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D X f.50r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0023/008
Date: 07 April 1593
Note: The first line of this letter is missing due to fire damage.
Copy of: 0434



Later Addition: Aprill [[To]] my L. Treasurer

[May it please your good L. That which I have advertised in my former lettres as touching an intended matche be- tweene the Count Palatin of the Rhene and the [In margin: [Lady] Louise]
eldest daughter of the Prince of Orenge by his wife of the house of Bourbon, hath bin signi- fied unto me by the Princesse of Orenge, who pro- poseth by lettre to impart the same unto her Majestie and to request her approbation: which she could not doe befor, because, as she saieth, it hath bin hitherto but in speeche, and is not throughly yet concluded /accorded./ But nowe that the lady is rea- dy to depart with her Aunt the Countesse of Swartsenbargh, she hath thoght it expedient to write unto her Highnes. It is meant that she shall rest for a while in the house of Count John de Nassau at Dillingbourgh not farre from Colle, wher the Palsgrave hath appointed to com secretly /to/ see her. Monsieur de St Aldegond is desired to go with her, to see to the passing of covenants before the mariage be concluded: and many men thinke that he shall be inter- tened by the Palsgrave as a counsailor &c./. 7 April 1593. Hage
