Letter ID: 1126
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.160br-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1126/008
Date: 04 July 1592
Copy of: 0401


May it please yor good L. With muche debating and sending too and f[[ro be]] tween the Campe and the Hage, it is finally concluded; that Count W[[illiam]] with the forces of Frise, which I take to be 2500 and 10 other ensiegnes [[of]] footmen, 8 or 10 cornets of horse, and 14 peeces of batterie, shall ethe[r] take towardes Coevoerden in Drente, or make a roade to the uttermo[st] part of Twente, which is the countrey next adjoining, and summon ether Oldenzeel, a garrison of the Enemie, in the confines of Twente [.] southerly from Steenwicke, or the castell of Grolle, which is likewise a place in the Enemies possession, standing south from Zutphen 4 or [5] Legues. It is referred to Count William, as Gouvernor of Frise who[m] it most importeth, and to the councel of estate, to take that cour[se] that they thinke fittest. The rest of the army are left to Coun[t] Maurice conduction, to be imploied in excursions, while Count William is busied in the siege of the former places. Howbeit heere [is] very litle hope, that ether of the Countes will be able by this meanes [to] perfourme any matter of speciall account. This is all that is conce[ded] that their late good successe against the towne of Steenwicke, with the [.] before, the last yeere, and their constant proceeding in the most of th].] exploites, will amase the Enemie so muche, as happely he will yelde [.] feare of the like issue. But howsoever it shall happen, it is reso[ned] heere among the States, that about the first of August the whole Army shall assemble in a little iland by Bommel, and likewise tha[t] the forces which are expected out of Juliers, and their troupes out of Fr[ance] shall come to the same place, to give a soddaine attempt upon the to[wne] of Bolduke, which is a place of that importance, as your L. hath heard, and by [.] intelligence, which some that are heere have had within the towne, may b[.] more easely, then most men would imagine. This purpose of [the] States is very secretly caried, and not imparted of out of Councel. [.] that the winde is at the Est, and puttes me out of hope of hearing [.] from your L. in her Majesties causes, and because the States are earne[st with] me, to be present at the Campe with the Councel of estate, for the [.] of their dessignes, I will thitherwardes to morowe, and certifie from [thence] as occasions are presented. And so I take my humble leave. At the [Hague] July 4 1592.