Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D IX f.98r-99v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1110/008
Date: 15 March 1592
Note: This document has soiling to fol.98r, and some fire damage to fol.98v.
Copy of: 0381
fol.99vEndorsed: Anno 91
May yt please your good L. Understanding by your lettre of the 24th of the last how her Maajesty is affected in those affaires of Importance which I had proposed, I will do my best endevor to that effect, that your L. hath signified her pleasure. I have communed often since with the Emparors Embassador but there hath nothing passed, that was of any moment more then that which your L. hath knowen by my former onely this hee would seeme to say upon knowledge; & doth protest it unto mee, with a solemne affection that ther ys no such Intelligence nor inwardnes between the Emparor & the King of Spaine as most men do imagine, but rather many crossinges & secret dislikes, & that at this present, & in thes very actions wherin the K. ys now buisied in France, & els where, By his talk in this respect, & in the opinion here of divers of spetiall experience, there ys some cause to conjecture that the spanish K. hath no intention to give his daughter to the Emparor but doth feed him a far with some hope in that behalf, to use him onely as a meanes for the reducing of these countreys to his owne obedience, & that the Emparor on the other side hath no care to conclude a generall accord, but in hope to have his daughter in mariage, & these countreys in doury, the rather for that the daughter hath right of Inheritance to the Duchy of Brabant, as the eldest of her father, wheruppon yt is supposed that all this practise for a peace will quaile upon [the] suddain. I do finde that this Embassador upon the talk that he hath had with divers men heer is wholy out of hope to obtaine his purpose of the States: unles England and France be dealt with all first, for which he ys resolved to persuade with the Emparor to take an other course & to send directly to her Majesty He hath made many motives about yt in his conference with me & hath urged me to to know my opinion & liking how I thought that such a message would be welcome to her Majestye But I have alwaies made him but a sparing answere, that the treaty of the Spaniard in the yeare of 88 was so full of fraud & dishonor & all his secret dealing with the people of this country so treacherous & unjust as her Highnes had good cause to reject all the Treaties, that were offred directly or indirectly from him. Nevertheles because I was assured of her naturall inclination to the embracing of peace I made no doubt unto my self, but that her Highnes of her princely custome, if any such Ambassador were sent unto her, would both receave him with honor & shewe him favor & respect in the audience of his message, as the matter shall require. I have used no other speeches to draw him fol.98v
onward in his purpose, not knowing how her Ma[jesty might] like of my doinges. But if I may have any notice, [that her] Highnes can be pleased, for the better entertayning of [these offers] of peace, that the Emparor should be wrought, to addresse [an] Ambassador unto her: I will as of my self & in the [way of] communication, whertoo I can finde many fit opportunit[ies to] confirme this Embassador in his foresayd intention. [There is] no assembly yet begun of the General states, through th[e absence] of one of the Deputies of Zeland, who they saie n[otwithstanding] wilbee heer as to day: otherwise I think the rest [that are] come will meet in such nomber as they are, & g[raunt] assent unto the Embassador who complaineth exeedingly [of their] odious delays. The French King in a lettre of th[e 13 of] this moneth after theyr account hath written thankes [unto the states] for the loane of those souldiers, which they lent him of [late] with a furder sute unto them, to have them there contin[ue] long as Rouen ys beseiged, whertoo they will not an[swer] till the States be come together / Astouching that p[roposall] which I made unto your L. for e employment of the fore[said forces] & as many more unto them, as may make up e nomb[er of] 5 or 6000 for all this sommer season, I was al[ways] determined to acquaint no man with yt, till the [States were] agreed upon theyr new contribution, & till her Majesty [should] command me, & write her lettres to that effect, how[beit I] have questioned heer with divers by the way of discou[rse] whether yt were not best for the States, & for support [of the] affaires of France, & for the ennemyes annoyance in [general] that 6000 soudiers from hence well paid, & still [renforced] should be employed for this sommer in the warres of [France] & that these contreys should be kept by waie of def[ence] consydering that theyr strength ys sufficient for yt: & [I do not] onely finde none to oppose against yt, but they do [in all a] maner desire yt were effected: Wheruppon I do [not doubt] but yf after a moneth: for by that time with the F[urthest] they will have passed theyr consentes about theyr present [contribution] her Majestyes lettres together with the Kinges shalbee written [here] unto them, with some good remonstrance & convenient I[nstance] they will yeeld very willingly to all that ys reques[ted.] Count Maurice hath bin forth with certain compaines of [horse] & foote to the nomber of 3000 to surprise Mas[tricht] but hath missed of his purpose, partly for that his [design] was not secretly caried, wherby the defendants were [prepared] fol.99r
against his coming, & partly for want of good order for that the Troupes had divers guides, & were ledd in the night by sondry waies, so as neither they approched the Towne at one time together, nor gave the assault in sufficient nomber nor in the fittest places; which ys all that I can signify for matter of occurrence, & therwith take my humble leave. Hage March 15 1591.