Reference: TNA, SP 84/44/159 f.161r-165v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0381/008
Date: 15 March 1592
Copies: 1110
fol.161rAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 15 Martij 1591. Master Bodeleie to my L./. from the Hagh. To have direction for his proceedinge with the Emperors Commissoner./
May it please your good L. Understanding by your letter of the 24 of the last, howe her Majestie is affected in those affaires of importance, which I had proposed, I will doe my best endevor, to that effect as your L. hath signified her pleasure I have commoned often sins with the Emperors Ambassador, but there hath nothing passed, that was of any moment, more then that whiche your L. hath knowen by my former. Onely this he would seeme to say upon knowledge, and doth protest it unto me with a solemne assertion, that there is no suche intelligence, nor inwardnes, between the Emperor and the K. of Spaine, as most men doe imagine, but rather many cros- singes and secret dislikes, and that at this present, and in these very actions, wherein the king is nowe buisied in France and els where. By all his talke in this respect, and in the opinion heere of divers of special experience, there is some cause to conjecture, that the Spanishe kinge hath no intention, to give his daughter to the Emperor, but doth feede him a farre with some hope in that behalf, to use him onely as a meanes for the reducing of these contreis, to his owne obedience: and that the Emperor on the other side hath no care to conclude a general Accord, but in hope to have his daughter in mariage, and these contreis in dowairie. The rather, for that the daughter hath right of inheri tance to the Duchie of Brabant, as the eldest of her father. Wherupon it is supposed, that all fol.162v
this practise for a Peace, will quaile upon the sod- daine. I doe finde that this Ambassa- dor, upon the talke that he hath had with divers men heere, is wholy out of hope to obtene his purpose of the states, unles England and France be delt with all first. For which he is resolved to persuade with the Emperor, to take an other course, and to send directly to her Majestie. He hath made ma- ny motives about it, in his conference with me, and hath urged me to knowe my opinion and li- king, howe I thought that suche a message would be welcome to her Majestie. But I have al- aies made him but a sparing answear, That the Treaty of the Spaniard in the yere Eightieight was so full of fraude and dishonor, and all his former dealinges with the people of this contrey so treacherous and injust, as her Highness had good cause, to reject all the Treaties, that were offered directly or indirectly from him. Nevertheles because I was assured of her naturall incli- nation to the embracing of Peace, I made no doubt unto my self, but that her Highnes of her princely custome, if any suche Ambassador were sent unto her, would both receave him with honor, and shewe him favor and respect in the audience of his message, as the mater shall re- quire. I have used no other speeches, to draw him onward in his purpose, not knowing howe her Majestie might like of my doinges. But if I may have any notice, that her Highnes can be plea- sed, for the better intertening of these offers of fol.163r
Peace, that the Emperor should be wrought to ad- dresse an Ambassade unto her, I will as of my self, and in the way of communication, wherto I can finde many fitte opportunities, confirme this Ambassador in his forsaid intention. There is no assemblie yet begonne of the General states, through the absence of one of the Deputies of Zeland, who they say notwithstanding will be heere as to day. Otherwise I thinke the rest that are come, will meete in suche nomber as thei are, and graunt accesse unto the Ambassador, who com- plaineth exceedingly of their odious delayes.
The Frenche Kinge in a letter of the 13 of this moneth, after their account, hath written thankes unto the states, for the Loane of those souldiers, which they sent him of late, with a further suite unto them, to have them there continued, as long as Rouen is besieged: whereto they will not answear, till the states be come together. Astouching that proposall, which I made unto your L. for the imploiment of the forsaid forces, and as many more unto them, as may make up the nomber of five or six thousand, for all this sommer season, I was alwaies determined, to acquaint no man with it, till her the states were agreed upon their newe contribution, and till her Majestie should com- maund me, and write her letters to that effect. Howbeit I have questioned heere with divers by way of discourse, whether it were not best for the states, and for support of the affaires of France, and for the Enemies annoiance in general, that 6000 souldiers from hens, wel paied and still fol.163v
renforced, should be imploied for this sommer in the warres of France, and that these contreis should be kept by way of defense, considering that their strength is sufficient for it, and I doe not onely finde none to oppose against it, but they doe all in a maner desire it were effected. Wherupon I doe not doubt, but if after a moneth (for by that time with the furthest, they will have passed their consents, about their present contribution) her Majesties letters together with the Kinges, shal be writ- ten heere unto them, with some good remonstrance, and convenient instance, they will yelde very willingly to all that is requested.
Count Maurice hath bin fourth with certaine com- panies of horse and foote to the nomber of 3000 to surprise Mastricht: but hath missed of his purpose: partly for that his designe was not se- cretly caried, whereby the defendants were pre- pared against his comming, and partly for want of good order, for that the troupes had divers guides, and were ledde in the night by sundrie waies, so as nether they approched the towne at one time together, nor gave the assault in suffi- cient nomber, nor in the fittest places. Whiche is all that I can signifie for mater /of/ occurrence, and therewith take my humble leave. From the Hage. Marche 15 1591. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
Later Addition: 15 March 91/2