Letter ID: 0598
Reference: TNA, PC 2/20/75
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0598/008
Date: 17 October 1592
Copy of: 1194


A lettre to Thomas Bodley esquier Councellor for her Majestie with the Estates generall of the United Provinces in the Lowe Contryes. Whereas direction was given unto Sir Nicholas Parker Knight to go into Bryttaine with his Companie of horse wherein he hathe made some excuse and delaie by reason the Count Moryce did staie him for some cause of Service. wee have by her Majesties expresse /order/ Commaundedment him againe to present him selfe in a readynes all delaies and Excuses sett aparte for that purpose. And to fol.75v
to thend there be no default made, wee have thought good also to Require yow to geve him the lyke straight charege and to see yt parformed. And tht anie of his Companie be wantinge, that the same maie be parswaded supplied out of the companie of Sir John Poly. Wherein yf occacion serve yow maie let the States or the Count Moryce to understand her Majesties meanynge not to alter her former determynacion. And yf there be anie of his companie that are maryed in those partes beinge contrary to suche order as hathe ben by us taken for Retayninge [nowe] in those Bandes that have taken wyves there, yow shall give direction to Sir Thomas Sherleyes deputie to mak staie of soch Intertainement as maie be due unto them, and here after to make them no further allowaunce./