Reference: TNA, PC 2/19/465
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0593/008
Date: 09 July 1592
Copies: 1153 0400
Later Addition: [15]92 [1st ]July [T]o Master Bodly
Sign Manual: Elizabeth
Trustie and welbeloved. We greet you well. Where we did in May last by our lettres signifye to you our determination to have for the necessary service of the French Kinge in Normandy the number of two thowsand of our forces being in those Cuntries to be sent into Fraunce. After which tyme we understood from you that the States Generall declared to you that they had prepared an Army to besiege Steenwick, and that they had also required to have the use of certain of our forces for that service, so as untill the end of that attempt they could not without their great hindran[ce] willingly assent to our request: Whereof we advertised the French King assuring him notwithstanding to ayd him with the said number or mo hereafter as his need should require. And now at this tyme both the said Kes request is renewed to have of us no lesse then six thowsand foot- men for Brittayne, and that we heare that Steenwick is recouvered by the States by Composition or otherwise whereof we are very glad. For which purpose besides the succors which otherwise he hath and shall have of us we have determined, presently to have the number of two thowsand five hundred men of our forces in those Cuntries putte in a redines so as uppon the next advertisement to you from us or from anie of our Councell they may be ready to march to the sea side at Flushing there to be shipped and transported. And for this cause you shall with all speed informe both the States generall and Councell of States hereof and according to a schedule herewith sent signed by our Councell, conteyning the places from whence these numbers shalbe sent. You shall informe both Sir Francis Veer and Sir Thomas Morgan respectively for their charges, to cause the said numbers to be speedely put in a readines untill the tyme we shall signifie our pleasure for their marching to the sea side and then to be transported into Fraunce. And though we thinke Sir Thomas Morgan wilbe unwilling to disfurnish the Town of Berghes of so great numbers uppon pretence of weakning of that Towne: There- fore you shall earnestly deale with the States generall and the Councell presently to provide to supply the numbers that shalbe had from thence, with the like or more numbers which they may now readely doe uppon the dissolving of their army. This our determination we are so resolved to have performed as you shall admitt no excuse or delay ether by the States, or by anie our Captaines to the contrary. And so we will you to lett fol.228vlett all parties pretending anie delay to understand for we have already firmely by contract promised to the French King the performance hereof We thinke also that the French King expecteth like numbers to be yealded by the States, for the which both Buzenval hath had Commission to obta[yn] the same, and monsieur de Caron in generall termes hath seamed to assur[[.]] which we require you uppon conference with Buzenval to further [[in]] our name by all good meanes you can.
Where we have receaved lettres from the States of Zeland and the genera[ll] States also expressinge a greevous complaint made by certain march[[ants]] of Trevere for a spoyle (as they say) committed by certain English shipp[es] of late neere the Coast of Spayne, as heretofore you have been by them [[.]] and have thereof written hither. We require you to lett both the States [[.]] namely them of Trevere understand, that we have sent a pinasse after shippes in whose companie the shippes charged with this fact are, with expresse commandement uppon great paines to see to all the goodes taken that they be preserved and brought saffely home without anie diminution as if uppon examination of the matter it shall appeare that the goodes taken are belonging to the Complaynantes, and not to Spaniardes into [[.]] as adheare to Spaniardes and Collor their goodes the same shalbe [[.]] restored with as streight order and favor of justice against the take[[.]] if the goodes were belonging to our selfe. And there if we will hav[[.]] give good assurance to the marchantes of Trevere of whom we have [[.]] [tiall] regard for manie respectes to shew them all favors reasonable [[Given]] under our Signet at our Mannor of Grenwich the first day of [[July]] in the xxxiijth yeare of our raigne.