Letter ID: 0417
Reference: TNA, SP 84/45/237 f.233r-234v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0417/008
Date: 13 September 1592
Copies: 1182 



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.

Endorsed: 13 September 1592. Master Bodeley. to my L. from the Haghe

Later Addition: 13 September 92


May it please your good L. Having moved the states to the effect of that letter, which I had last from her Majestie to be contented to licence one Englishe horseband, to accompany the foote- men that are going for France, I could obtene no other answear, nor I expected no other, then that which was made to my last proposition, which I sent unto your L. the 6 of this moneth, That it was directly against her Majesties Treaty. Unto which allegation I would not enter to replie, knowing nothing will prevaile, to purchase their good liking of withdrawing the companies. Howbeit I signified plainely to them, that there was never no Contract, so wrested from the pur- pose, that was first intended by the parties, as that had bin by them: as if her Majestie were minded to charge the state in that behalf, it would be decla- red in very many pointes. In the meane season, to the end they might not so easely, if they were bent therunto, impeache the comming from the Campe of the forsaid horseband, almost two daies before, I sent away my letters to Sir Nicholas Parker, kno- wing none of the troupes in better state to be im- ploied in that service then his: and himself to be somwhat skilled in the Frenche tongue, for which I thought him the rather to be fitte for that voiage.

Moreover because I doubt lest the states companies, which are to goe /come/ in their places, that goe out of Berghen, will not be found to be so ready, as will be requisit, I have requested them againe in their publicke meeting, to send their troupes thither in convenient season, lest the towne should fol.233v
be disfournished, and inconvenience growe upon it, wherof the fault should rest in them.

I have also wished Sir Thomas Morgan, because the place is committed by the contrey to his charge, to require it to be done by some letters from himself, geving warning unto them, that if their compa- nies doe not come, when the rest doe embarke, that they must hold him excused, for any dan- ger that shall happen. Howe the states will resolve for the imploiment of their forces between this and the winter, it is not yet knowen. Their armie still remaineth in the quarters of Coe- voerden, and will not remove, till ether the Enemie be passed the Rhine, wherof there is speeche at this very instant, or the Castel of Coevoer- en sufficiently fortified, which is thought within this sevenight will be done very thorowly: the multitude of labourers are so many about it. I hope that this day or to morowe, the companies of Sir Francis Vere will be at Roterodam or Dort, and then they will be ready for the first winde. And thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. September 13 1592 Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
