Reference: TNA, SP 84/45/51 f.50r-51v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0396/008
Date: 26 June 1592
Note: Note that the endorsement writes 'May' in error.
Copies: 1151
fol.51vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 26 May 1592. Master Bodeleie to my L. Ambassadors from the Elector Palatin.
Later Addition: 26 June 92
May it please your good L. Heere are cer- taine Ambassadors come newly to the Hage from the Elector Palatin, to witte the Baron of Winningbergh and his sonne, and one Monseiur Durant a Frenche man and a secretary to the Elector. They have already had accesse to the general states: and their message contened these principall pointes. A gratulation unto them for the good successe that they have had, in the administration of their gouvernment. A remonstrance of the losses that the Elector hath sustened by the death of D. Cassimir. The maner of his comming, to take possession of his contreis: wherein he pleadeth for him self, that by an ancient privilege of all his pre- decessors, he was out of his wardshippe at 18 yeres of age: although that Bulla aurea doe appoint him a gardian till the age of 25: A declaration of the troubles into which is he brought by the violent intrusion of the D. of Simeren his grand Uncle. His complaint unto the Emperor, for redresse of those wronges. The Emperors refusal to shewe him any favor. The intercession of certaine Princes, to make an appointment between him and his Uncle. The doubt that he conceaveth, that their endevors will be frustrat. A specification of di- vers inconveniences, that are likely to ensue, if he should be overboren by the might of his enemies: wherein not onely he himself and the cause of religion with the Princes of Germany, fol.50v
but the state of these contreis, and the French Kinges affaires will be greatly prejudiced. Lastly his intention to stand in defense of the right of his cause: whereto he made request, if his enemies would oppresse him, to be assisted from hens with men and mony. This is the summe, as I am informed, of all that they proposed. And because there can be no answear delivered heere unto them, till every several Province hath conside- red of the mater, they doe therfor determine to goe presently for England, and returning backe againe, to take the answear of the states. For as farre as I perceave by their speeches unto me, they are chiefly sent unto her Majestie to negotiat in effect the same as they doe heere: and to make restitution of the garter of D. Cassimir, and of the booke of statutes appertening to the or- der. It is resolved by the states, upon the instant intreatie of the Captaines and commaunders of their forces in France, that they shall be revoked. For it seemes that they are not 500 in number: which doe greatly complaine of all maner of wantes: and Count Philip of their fewenesse: for which he thinkes it no honor, to be there any longer. Howbeit it is per- mitted to the King, if his neede so require, to re- tene a convenient number, to be placed in garrison, in some good towne of Normandie.
I can not yet signifie, what successe we shall have, about the enterprise of steen- wicke. The 20 of this moneth they within fol.51r
were content, to come to a Parley. But there folowed no agreement. And whether they meant but to sette a trappe, or to feele the humor of Count Maurice, or to gaine a litle time, because they hope to be assisted, it is diversly construed. For they stood very stout, and would yelde to no conditions. The self same day at night, Verdugo who was at Coevoerden neere adjoining, sent a convoy of 200 with a quantitie of powder, to enter the towne. But being presently discovered, there were slaine to the number of 40 as many taken prisoners, and the rest put to flight. There is a bruite at this present, that they are in Parley once againe. But knowing nothing certaine, and ex- pecting every houre for some advertisment from thens, I leave your L. to my next, and take my humble leave. From the Hage. June 26 1592. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
Postscript: Before I closed my letter, heere was newes from the campe, that Count Maurice was shotte in one of his cheakes, but without any danger: and that fire being put to divers of our mines, it hath made suche a breache, as there is present hope, to enter the towne.