Letter ID: 0392
Reference: TNA, SP 84/44/297 f.299r-300v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0392/008
Date: 17 May 1592
Copies: 1144 



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.

Endorsed: 17 May 1592. Master Bodeleie to my L./

Later Addition: 17 May 92


May it please your good L. Count Maurice, it is thought, hath already inclosed the towne of steen- wicke, and beginnes therupon to make his appro- ches. The Councel of Estate goeth thither- wardes to morowe, with purpose to continue for the time of that service. But the general assemblie of the states of every Province doth remaine at the Hage: albeit for some fortnight their meeting is differred. During which time, and untill I am advertised of her Highnes pleasure, as touching that which I proposed upon the motion of the states, for the enterprise of Britaine, I will be alwaies with the Councel: but to returne againe hither, when your L. letter comes unto me, to negotiat with the states. Heere is a gentleman of Juliers, that maketh an offer to this contrey, to be ready to serve where they will appoint, with 2000 foote, to be rai- sed in the land of Cleve and Juliers, and to come unto them upon 6 weekes warning: to be so inter- tened from three monethes to three monethes, upon the receat of halfe pay, till their service be required. The states have concluded to accept of this offer, and to reserve the imploiement of the men, till they knowe what her Majestie will determine for Britaine, or till perhaps they shall have neede, through the Enemies attemptes, while their forces are at steen- wicke, to defende some other place, in some part of these Provinces. There hath not passed as yet any perfit contract, between the states and the gentleman, by reason of certaine mony whiche the partie demaundeth to be paieed before hand, and the states will not graunt: howbeit we are alwaies in hope, that they will come to a good agreement. fol.299v
The practise upon Enchusen, wherof I writte in a former, is delaied by the Enemie, but we knowe not yet the reason. In the cause of the company of the Marchants Adventurers, there hath bin heere /a/ meeting of Deputies on bothe sides: who are well agreed upon divers pointes: but the chiefest are referred, by mutual consent, to the ordering of the states, who have taken fur- ther time. In the meane while there is a kinde of contentment given to them all, and their trafficke is free, as it was before. And thus I take my humble leave. From the Hage. May 17 1592. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley
