Letter ID: 0391
Reference: TNA, SP 84/44/286 f.286r-287v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0391/008
Date: 07 May 1592
Copies: 1142 



Later Addition: 7 May 1592 United Provinces

Endorsed: 7 May 1592 Memorial to Master Bodeleye./


Trusty and welbeloved we gret yow well wher we have presently wrytten to the states in a renewyng our former advise and request to have them to send some [former] succors of iij or iiijm footemen to the present ayd of the french Kyng, and also I have lett them understand our own resolution, to send ijm footemen and jc horsmen to be taken of our forces remayning ther in our /those/ low Contries. all which as we dowt not but yow will accordyng to the tenor of our lettres now sent to the states wherof our Tresoror will send yow a copy, furder the same to your uttermost, yet fyndyng by your latest lettres of the first of this month sent to our sayd Tresorer amongst other thynges some dowtfullnes of the parformence of that our request, and of the french Kes request also, the rather by the coldnes of borzenvall we therfor do [.] require yow to deale ageyn both with the Generall States and the Counsell and with Count Morryce also to expeditt this poynt of service in relivyng of the french Kyng at this most necessary tyme, a matter more to purpose to reduce the ennemy to his finall ruyn, than to tak or surprise iiij or v towns, which as then may precase be taken now in the absence of the ennemy, yet if he shall prospre fol.87r
on in france, and retorn to the Low Contres will be hardly kept from recovery, /but/ with loss precase of as manny mor. and uppon this reason and the lyk wherof ther ar manny we require yow to use all your power in movyng and exhortyng them to yeld herto with spede. and to press the Cont Morryce both with the lyk reasons and with the Consideration of tht pret of our lettre w to hym which we wrot with hir /our/ own hand.

Yow shall also lett borzenvale understand how ernestly the french Kyng hath wrytten to us. for this ayd to be gyven to hym, which we fynd so nedefull at this tyme, as we have yelded also to ayd hym with ijm of our own footemen there and iC hors havyng a mynd to have yelded hym mor, if conve- niently they might have bene spared

And for the expedition of sendyng of our succors, sence our determination therof made we fynd some lykhood /dout/ of delaye therof, by reason we ar informed by hym that brought your last lettres, that he thynketh ther ar ij companies gone from ostend towardes the States Cam

from whence we determyned, tht ur Company shuld [.] now have gone from ostend and tht 2 Companyes ar gone from berghen /with one band of horsmen/ from whence we have commanded tht 6 companyes of foot and 1 of horse shuld also be sent, and therfore we require yow to procure from the states or the Consell, that these nombres may be retorned from the Camp, to be employed in this service of france, and tht the states will also cause supply to be made at berghen as a town in ther propre Government, duryng the absence of the sayd 6 companyes, and also tht yow do procure tht the Companyes required from Sir Francis Vere may also be promitted to v ev be employed in this service for france, wherin yow do well know that expedition to have these succors sent in tyme, is of more importance, than to send treble those forces when tyme shall be past