Reference: TNA, SP 84/44/258 f.261r-262v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0389/008
Date: 23 April 1592
Copies: 1134
fol.262vAddressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord highe Treasurer of England.
Endorsed: 23 April 1592 Master Bodeleie to my L. The D. of Parmas Message to Comte Mawrice./
Later Addition: 23 April 92
May it please your good L. I have bin infor- med very lately by a frind of good credit, and countenance, and one that doth assure me of the truth of his report, That within this moneth there came a secret messenger to Count Maurice, with a letter of credence from the D. of Parma. The partie was knowen to the autor of this advertisment, an Utrecht man borne and very well qualified. Assoone as he came hither he addressed himself to Master Sonsfilde, one that hath governed the Count in all his youth, and is continually neere about him: the self same party, to whome Monsieur Bilandt, before his comming to the Hage writte a letter of per- suasion to move him to favor the mater of Pacification. By this gentlemans meanes the Count was informed of the messengers comming, and gave him leave to doe his message, but in the presence of some others, which were Monsieur de Fauma, who is the Governor of Hoesden, Master Barnevelt, and the said Master Sonsfilde. After that the Messenger had exhibited his Credence, he saluted the Count in the name of the Duke, with very honorable complements, declaring his de- sire to advance his estate, and wishing ther- upon that he would hearken to a Treaty: whiche in case he would admitte, and persuade the Contrey to the like, suche conditions should be graun- ted as he himself would require. For although the kinge of Spaine should refuse to yelde unto them, he had meanes enough to force him, which he should see him putte in practise. The Count would make no answear to this message of the partie, but dimissed him presently, and after fol.261v
some time of his aboade in this place gave him licence to be gone. He went from hens to Utrecht, where assoone as he arrived, Master Barnevelt had written to the Officers of the towne, to examine him strictly about his comming to that place. How- beit within a day or two after, he writte againe to discharge him. This is all that the partie could tell me of this mater: which he assured me was true. But for any other circumstance, whe- ther there passed any more between the Duke and the Count, ether after or before, he was utterly igno- rant: which I thought very fitte to advertise your L. and so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. April 23 1592. Your L. most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley