Reference: TNA, SP 84/44/108 f.111r-112v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0378/008
Date: 12 February 1592
Copies: 1106
fol.112vAddressed: To the right worshipful Sir Edward Norris Knighte Gouvernor of the towne of Oostende
Endorsed: xii February 91 Master Bodley /
Later Addition: 1591/2 February 12 United Provinces
Sir, I was in good hope, to have seene your answere to my letter of the 15th of December. You knowe in your owne discretion, I had reason to expect it: and I thought that in curtesie, you would somwhat content mee. But seing it is otherwise, I trust you do consider, that your silence cannot answere the cause of my complaint. I have moved this Councel to that effect, as you request, that some order may bee taken, for the monethlie paiement of your entertainment, and for the arre- rages; but their answere and your demand, are far disagreeing. For wheras you doe require after 3li a daie, their allowance, they saie, is but 40li a moneth, as is expreslie set downe in your commission. Besides they do insist, that the somme, that is dew for your entertainment, is a very small parcel of that, which is dew by you to the Contrey. This is all the answere, that I can get at their handes: and I looke for none other to all your demandes, til some real satisfaction be made unto them. For, to tel you somwhat neerer how they are affected, They do repute them selves to bee apparantly deluded in all the letters that you send, and that you thinke by devises to go beyond them, which, they saie, they will reforme, and I do signify thus plainely, to the end you may consyder both what opinion they conceave of your dealing, and what meanes you are to use, to come in better favour. And so I leave you, and commend you to Gods preservation. From the Hage the 12 of February 1591. Your assured to my power Tho. Bodley