Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.310r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1225/008
Date: 19 December 1591
Note: The remains of the seal are attached on the middle bottom edge.
Copies: 0367
Later Addition: Belgia 1591. December:
Sign Manual: Elizabeth R
Trustie and welbeloved We greet you well. Having longe observed your faithfull dilligence in all such services, as by us you have been commaunded to deale in, we have reposed an assured trust in your proceedinges there (as anie occasion shoulde be offered you by the place you holde) to shewe either care or judgement in the carriages of our affaires. And although we knowe our Threasurer (from whome you have receyved our directions) hath not forgotten to advertise you of this our good conceipt, aswell as he hath still enformed us of the good caryage of your selfe in all our affaires there from tyme to tyme, as they /have/ been particulerly recommended unto you by him of our part: Neverthelesse for your better satisfaction and encouragement to contynewe your fur ur lettres to our saide Threasurer how discreetly you have handled the cause of this pretended Treatie of a pacification, wherein nothing is lesse intended then a good peace, how colorably so ever it may be disguised with shewes of sincere meaninge: We have thought good by our owne hande to let you understande that you serve not a Prince that will forgett at anie tyme or in anie occasion to make you knowe how well we accept of your great desire to pleases us, and diligent care in tyme to foresee and prevent such synister practises, as maie either by prejudiciall to us, or dangerous to the state of those Countries wherein we have employed you. Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster the nynetenth daye of December in the fowre and thirtith yeere of our Raigne/.href=""