Letter ID: 1215
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.284r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1215/008
Date: 24 November 1591
Copies: 1214 



Later Addition: Belgia. 1591 24 November To Master Bodly

Later Addition: Belgia: 1591. November

By the Contentes of your worshippes Letters of the third of this monthe received by our secretarie, we understand of the estate of our busines there, and althoughe we are well enformed, and by profe assured of your good will towardes us, for the furtheraunce of those our affaires (of which we will not be unmindefull) we have notwithstanding thought good to procure these enclosed Letters unto you, and hereby once againe to request, that (when the tyme and occasione shall serve): yt would please you to use your means and credyte, that some good resolutione may be procured one our behalfe from the States generalle, for the effecting whereof, yf you shall need any further instructione, or matter from us, upon knowlegd thereof, we will forthewith take order for the same: and so moste hartily wishing you all good successe and prosperity in your affaires we commend you to God:/ from Middelburch the 24th of November 1591: Your worships to commaunde the Deputie associates and generalitye of the merchauntes adventurersresident at Middelburch: Thomas Ferrers. deputy.

Postscript: Sir yt maie please you in acknowlegdment of my thankfulnes towardes you, to accept of these few lynes with my service, which I present unto you, yf the same any waye may stand you in steed:

Your worshippes to comaunde J Wheler
