Letter ID: 1079
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.220r-221v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1079/008
Date: 30 September 1591
Copy of: 0342



Endorsed: To my L. Tresurer September 30 1591.


Later Addition: 1591 30 September to my L. Treasurer

Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: September


May it please your good L. since the writing of my last the 9th of this moneth, there hath nothing passed in this place in any matter of consultation, or other forrene occurrence, that I could think mighte deserve to be reported to your L. As touching Hulst I did assure my self that her Majesties ministers, which were present at the enterprise, would advertise sufficiently, & the winde was Easterly; wherby there was meanes for theyr lettres to come sooner to your L. then hether to the Hage. Not onely Zeland which was moste of all annoyed by the Land of Waes, but the generality of these countreys shall rx a great commodity by the conquest of that place. The present somme wherunto the Country about Hulst, hath yeelded for a monethly contribution is toward 800 li sterling, which after a while it is thought they may easely raise to triple as muche moreover they have given hostages for the payment of 7000 li sterling within the space of a moneth to redeeme theyr countrey from the spoile of the souldiers. In the Towne it self of Hulst the same order is taken, for the payment of Impost & accise, & other publick taxes, as they were put to before by order of the Ennemy, which are greater unto them than are usually imposed upon the inhabitantes of these countreys. Count Maurice hath concluded with the Councel of state to retourne again to Niuemegen. For by all advertisementes as well from the Countrey about it, as from some within the Towne theyr misery is such & so likely to encrease, as they cannot in reason but yeeld ere be long. And besides wee have sent frindes within the Towne in nomber sufficient, when the camp is come before yt to make a faction within, which they do promise to do effectually & assure us in a manner to be maisters of the place. The rendeyvous of the states forces is assigned the first of October at the fort of Cnossembourg, which is overagainst Nieumegen. The exploit it is thought wilbe quickly at an end, for which the Councel of state doth not purpose to go hence. We are alwaies heer so ill provided of intelligence of the Ennemy, as we know no other certainty of his going for France, then the brute of the people, which is the same that it hath bin that he goeth undoutedly. Nevertheles there are many men heer of an other opinion, that he wanteth men & mony to serve his turne in both respectes, to give a royal assistance to the D. de Maine, & to defend himself at home. For now that he ys touched by the States with an offensive warre, his weaknes is many waies very notably discovered, & espetially his ignorance in the state of those countreys, aswell in regard of the strength of theyr forces, as of the nature & sute of theyr townes & places. Heerof we are daily more assured, not onely by those cowrses which he hath taken all this sommer, but by divers lettres intercepted, & chiefly nowe of late by certain neutrall parsons, men of very good fol.220v

Later Addition: Belgia: 1591. September

jugement, which have conversed with the chiefest of the ennemies & finde by all theyr discourses, that either God hath taken theyr understanding from them, or they were never well enformed of the state of thinges with us. The Emparors late intent to parswade with the states to treat about a peace is revived againe. His Embassadors meet in Collen the 5 of the next from whence they go towardes Brussels & yf theyr purpose take place from thence into Holland. Of this dessigne we understand by divers mens letters, but by one in espetiall, which is newly sent hether to Monsieur Sonsfelt, a right honest gentleman and an antient servant to Count Maurice from Otto Henry de Billandt Baron of Reide in the Land of cleave, who is cousin to the gentleman & one of those embassadors. The substance of his lettre ys to parswade with Monsieur Sonsfelt being heer in good credyt, to make him self an Instrument for procuring the Count & the states to hearken to a peace. He promiseth great rewardes & accesse of dignityes, to Count Maurice by name, to Barnevelt, to the partie himself, & to as many of the state as are now in authority, & shall do theyr endevour to furder the treaty. Astouching matters of religion, he him self doth professe to be wholy reformed, & in his owne jurisdiction to mainteyne the same religion, as is authorised heer in the United Provinces. wheruppon hee would infer that his meaning ys syncere. And if in those causes the Emperor & the states should not come to a good agreement, that then the pointes of difference shall be devided by certain Arbiters to be chosen indifferently of the Princes of the Empire, & of bothe religions. And for the pollicy of theyr state, they shall enjoy theyr antient rightes, immunities & privileges, in as ample & free condition, as at any time heertofore. This is in effect the contentes of his letter; wherwith Count Maurice acquainted me presently & imparted it after to the Councel of State. But theie needed nothing to be sayd, for disswading any one to give eare to such treatyes. For they were wonderfull carefull to suppresse the letters that no coppies might be taken; which was also an occasyon that I could not as I would send a transcript to your L. Moreover they delivered Monsieur Sonsfelt the argument of his answere to be made as from himself: wherin he should declare, that neither the chiefest Governor, nor the commons of the Countrey would either accept of theyr embassade, nor give any audience or accesse to any that were sent, or promise safety to theyr parsons, from the outrage of the people. The rest that are named to be employed by the enemy, besides the forenamed Baron, are not signified in his letters, but by other advertisementes I learne that they are these. The Seigneur of Barnsteyn. The Count of Lipp. Salentinus of Issemburg, [[which was]] fol.221r

Later Addition: Belgia 1591. September

Bishop of Collen before Truxis. Doctor Faber, & the brother of the Bishop of Witzburg. For mine owne parte I will use in this matter all manner of vigilance, & as occasyon is presented I will put your L. cautions in practise, which were sent mee heertofore in which I purpose to proceed as to my understanding shalbe most expedient for the service of her Majesty. September 30 1591.
