Letter ID: 0342
Reference: TNA, SP 84/43/57 f.57r- 59v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/0342/008
Date: 30 September 1591
Copies: 1079 



Addressed: To the right honorable my very singular good Lord the L. Burghley Lord high Treasurer of England

Endorsed: 30 September 1591 Master Bodeleie from the Haghe to my L./

Later Addition: 30 September 91


May it please your good L. sins the writing of my last the 9 of this moneth, there hath no- thing passed in this place in any mater of con- sultation, or other forrene occurrence, that I could thinke might deserve to be reported to your L. As touching Hulst I dyd assure my self that her Majesties ministers, which were pre- sent at the enterprise, wold advertise sufficiently. And the winde being Esterly, there was meanes for their letters to come sooner to your L. then hither to the Hage. Not only Zeland, whiche was most of all annoied by the land of Waes, but the generallitie of these contreis shall re- ceave a great commoditie by the conquest of that place. The present summe, wherunto the contrey about Hulst hath yelded for a monethly contribution, is towardes 800li sterling which after a while it is thought, they may easely raise to triple as muche. Moreover they have given hostages for the paiment of 7000li sterling within the space of a moneth, to redeeme their contrey from the spoile of the souldiers. In the towne it self of Hulst the self same order is taken, for the paiment of Impost and Accise and other pub- like taxes, as they were put unto before, by order of the Enemie: which are greater unto them, then are usually imposed, upon the inha- bitants of these contreis. Count Maurice hath concluded with the Councel of state to returne againe to Nieumeghen. For by all advertisments, aswell from the contrey about it, fol.57v
as from some within the towne, there miserie is suche, and so likely to increase, as they can not in reason but yelde er be long. And besides we have secret frindes within the towne in nomber sufficient, when the campe is come before it, to make a faction within, which they doe promise to doe effectually, and assure us in a maner to be masters of the place. The rendevous of the states forces is assigned the 1 of October, at the fort of Cnossenbourgh, whiche is overagainst Nieumeghen. The exploit, it is thought, will be quickly at an end, for which the Councel of state doth not purpose to goe hens. We all are alwaies heere so ill provided of intelli- gence of the Enemie, as we knowe no other cer- taintie of his going for France, then the bruit of the people, which is the same that it hath bin, that he goeth undoubtedly. Nevertheles there are many men heere of an other opinion, that he wanteth men and mony to serve his turne in bothe respectes, to give a roial assistance to the D. de Mainne, and to defend himself at home. For nowe that he is touched by the states with an offensive warre, his weakenes is many waies very no- tabley discovered: and especially his ignorance in the state of these contreis, aswell in regard of the strength of their forces, and as of the na- ture and site of their townes and places.

Heerof we are daily more assured, not only by those courses, which he hath taken all this somer, but by divers letters intercepted, and chiefly nowe of late by certaine neutral persons, men fol.58r
of very good judgement, which have conversed with the chiefest of the Enemies, and finde by all their discourses, that ether God hath taken their un- derstanding from them, or they were never well informed of the state of thinges with us.

The Emperors Late intent, to persuade with the states, to treat about a peace is revived againe. His Ambassadors meete in Collen the 5 of the next from whens they goe towardes Brussels, and if their purpose take place, from thens into Holland. Of this designe we understand by sundrie mens Letters: but by one in speciall, which is newly sent hither to one Monsieur Sonsfeld, a right honest gen- tleman, and an ancient servant to Count Maurice, from Otto Henry de Bilandt Baron of Reide in the Land of Cleve, who is cousin to the gentleman, and one of those Ambassadors. The substance of his letter is to persuade with Monsieur Sonsfeld being heere in good credit, to make himself an instrument for procuring the Count and the states to Hearcken to a peace. He promiseth great rewardes and accesse of dignities, to Count Maurice by name, to Barnevelt, to the partie himself, and to as many of the state, as are nowe in autoritie, and shall doe their endevor, to further the treaty. As touching maters of religion, he himself doth professe to be wholy reformed, and in his owne jurisdiction to main- tene the same religion, as is autorised heere in the United Provinces: wherupon he would inferre that his meaning his sincere. And if in those fol.58v
causes the Emperor and the states should not come to a good agreement, that then the pointes in difference shall be decided by certaine arbiters, to be chosen indifferently of the Princes of the Em- pire, and of bothe religions. And for the pollicie of their state, they shall enjoye their ancient rightes, immunities and privileges, in as ample and free condition, as at any time heeretofore. This is /in/ effect the contents of his letter, wherewith Count Maurice acquainted me presently, and imparted it after to the Councel of state. But there needed nothing to be said for dissuading any one, to give eare to suche treaties. For they were wonderfull carefull to suppresse the letters that no copies might be taken: which was also an occasion that I could not as I would, send a transcript to your L. Moreover they deli- vered Monsieur Sonsfeld the argument of his answear, to be made as from himself: wher- in he should declare, that nether the chiefest go- vernors, nor the commons of the contrey, would ether accept of their Ambassade, or give any audience or accesse to any that were sent, or pro- mise safetie to their persons, from the outrage of the people. The rest that are named to be imploied by the Emperor, besides the for- said Baron, are not signified in his letter, but by other advertisements I learne that they are these, The Seignieur of Barenstein, The Count of Lipp, Salentinus of Issenburch, which was Bishop of Collen before Truxes, Doctor Faber, and the brother of the bishop of Witzburch. fol.59r
For mine owne particular, I will use in this mater all maner of vigilance, and as occasion is presented, I will put your L. cautions in practise which were sent me heeretofore, in whiche I purpose to proceede, as to my understanding shall be most expedient for the service of her Majestie. And so I take my humble leave. From the Hage. September 30 1591. Your L most humbly bounden Tho. Bodley.
