Letter ID: 1048
Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.161r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1048/008
Date: 06 June 1591
Copy of: 0310



Later Addition: Belgia [.] June To my L. Treasurer

Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: June:

May it please your good L. It is now determined that the Towne of Groeninghen shalbe presently attempted, for which 8 Troupes are risen & marching alredy, Theyr artillery is embarqued & sent awaie before, But whether they will use the benefit of her Highnes lettres, which were written so long since, & I have still in my custody I cannot redyly conjecture. But being often required by the Councels lettres to repayre unto them, I think they have a meaning when no other meanes will serve the turne, to use the countenance of her Majestye, if it come to that passe, I will advise upon the best, for her Highnes contentacion. For I have seen by good tokens that Count William is affrayd, to be set beside the government, if the towne be returned by her Majesties authority for which I think hee will endevor to prevaile an other way. The party which I employed about the recovery of those papers & bookes that came out of Spaine, hath spedd of his purpose, & hath all alredy in his custody. Because his dwelling is in Amsterdam, & my waie into Frise (where I thinke within this 2 daies to meet the Councel) is by Amsterdam, I will take the writinges to my self & convay them from thence by the speediest meanes that I can finde. The bearer heerof ys the brother of Captain Medekerk, that was slaine of late in the siege of Deventer, hee comes an humble sutor to your L. to obtene his brothers place, which in the jugement of those that have seen his valiant carriage, hee will deserve in all respectes aswell as his brother, which being notefied unto mee by those that know his sufficiency I could not but report yt, & recomend him effectually to your L. favor. This day I have written a lettre to your L. by an english souldier, which came hether from Bruxels, where he sayth he had bin prisoner, 5 weekes, his coming to me was for a letter to your L. or to some other of my LL of the Councell to the end hee might be heard in disclosing a practise of among the fugitifs of Bruxels, for the setting a fire of her Majesties shippes. Since is going from hence I have learned fol.161v

Endorsed: To my L. Tresurer 6 June 1591

Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: June

by enquiry, that he caried about him a bagg full of dallers, to a farr greater somme then a souldier, & a man of simpler quality & shew should seeme to have gotten unles he were hired to speciall purpose. Being asked of one that saw his mony what he ment to cary so much about him, his answere was that Sir Robert Sidney had put him in trust to pay it at the campe, with sundry other vayn & unprobable speeches. Which I thought good to imparte to your L. becaus yt carieth suspition of some thing els intended then the service hee professeth.