Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.156r-v
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1046/008
Date: 01 June 1591
Copy of: 0307
Later Addition: Belgia. 1591 primo Junij To my L. Treasurer
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: June:
May it please your good L. I receaved this daie her Majesties lettre wherof the date was omitted, with 2 from your L. of the 12 & 21 of May, in the which I am required to deale with the States, about the abuse of theyr traffique, & with the Councel of State, both in that & the matters of Ostend, as also with others in affaires of other qualitie, To the general states which are heer remaining I will resort at theyr first assembly. Howbeit the Councel of State as I have formerly written is departed hence, & resideth at Zutphen, repairing daily to the Campe as occasyons are presented. I had bin with them long ere this, as they have often required by theyr lettres unto mee, but because the generall states continew still heere, & I had not heard from your L. since the 9 of Aprill for which I expected somewhat by the first to be imparted unto them, I thought to attend the receat of my next from your L. since the 9 of Aprill, for which I And now what answere shall bee made by the States in this place I will certifie from hence & departe immediately upon it to the Councel of State, whose answere in like manner I will presently retourne, & for the recovery of those bookes & specialties which were brought out of Spaine , I have alredy dispatched Master Gilpin towardes Amsterdam, with so sufficient instruction as if they bee to bee had, your L. desire shalbe thorowly accomplished. The opportunity of this bearer doth cause mee to signify somewhat thus in general upon the sighte of my lettres, The bearers name is Chistopher Kennet an officer of Sir Thomas Sherly: deputed for the payment of the Companies in field, & the garrison of Flushing, & Berghen, & likewise for the sending of mony to the Brill & Ostende In respect of his charge in these countreys I thought it not impartinent to name him to your L. & to certify withall, that to my understanding & in the common opinion of all, that looke into his dealing, his diligence & discretion doth deserve a better testimony, then I have presently occasyon to yeeld in his behalf, And altho I think Sir Thomas Sherly hath some cause of Importance to call him home for a time, yet for avoyding inconvenience, if the troupes at the campe be not duly provided, wherin I am required by this Councel to use all meanes of prevention, his speedy dispatch wilbee greatly requesit. There is no other occurence since the writing of my Last the 22 of May. This is onely expected that our forces being approched within half common shott of the walles of Deventer, we shall heare by the first some good fol.156vEndorsed: [[To my L.]] Tresurer June 1 1591
Later Addition: Belgia: 1591: June:
successe of the batterye. The Ennemy wee learne doth assemble all his forces in all quarters with intent to remove [the] siege, to which effect as lettres report that come to this pla[ce] he hath fully appeased with payment, the Mutins of Die[st] & Herentals, & so for this present &c. 1 Junij.href=""