Reference: BL, MS Cotton Galba D VIII f.135
Citation: DCB/001/HTML/1032/008
Date: 30 April 1591
Copy of: 0299
fol.135vEndorsed: Au Governeur de la ville d'Ostend, Le Sieur Ed Norreis April 30 1591
fol.135rLater Addition: Belgia 1591 30 Aprill To Sir Edward Norris Governor of Ostend
Sir The letter of this counsell and the bearer therof will signifie their desire: which is to intreat you for the three companyes that were lately sent unto you from Bergen and Flushinge. If there might any daunger growe uppon it, they should wrong themselves aswell as you and there were no colour of reason that you should harken unto them as I knowe you woulde not. But if the perill be past as we hold it very certaine, by all our advertismentes, in my opinion you shall take a good course to shew in this request that you are not unwillinge to seeke their contentacion. For how they are persuaded you can ghesse very easyly by their letters unto you and I see no hope of any change unles it be by your meanes. Howbeit of this matter I can but speake a farre of and only that which I thinke in friendship. For unles I were with you, and knewe as muche as your selfe, both of the state of your garrison, and of the reason of your actions, I must yeeld as I doe to any course of proceedinge that you in your wisdom shall hold to be fittest for her Majesties service. For which referringe my good meaninge to your friendly construction, I betake your endevors to Gods good direction. From the Hage. April 30 1591.